Possible false positives?

F-Secure Internet Security is classing essentially all the configuration files used by the Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing project to run climate prediction runs on my Windows 8 PC.
The file < hadcm3s_7.24_windows_intelx86.exe > is used in conjunction with sub-routines with names similar to < hadam3p_pnw_w1gw_2009_1_009087046_1_1.zip > to crunch climate data for climateprediction.net, a climate modelling project based at the University of Oxford’s Environmental Change Institute. using BOINC, which may be more familiar as the platform used by many people online to crunch data for the SETI Project.
In any case, F-Secure is classing this .EXE and its associated .ZIPs as Generic Trojans, which I'm reasonably confident is a false positive. The .EXE has been quarantined, and all the .ZIPs deleted. Is there any way to verify that these are false positives, and then to allow BOINC to get back to crunching climate data?
Thanks, Mark
Report those files here: https://analysis.f-secure.com/portal/login.html
Register an account there first and follow the instructions to also get feedback on your issue.
A good site to try to determine false positives is https://www.virustotal.com/
You upload one file at a time and wait a couple of minutes for the results. The files will be scanned by more than 50 different anti-virus products including F-Secure.
PS. I see you're new here. FYI I've put together a post with solutions for the most common problems including reporting false positives. It's available as a sticky post at this board(Security). Here's a direct link: