Bank protection no longer showing.

Da Posts: 9

I am running Firefox 29.0.1 with F-Secure 1.99 build 19 and Virgin Media.  I have not been on my banking site for a while but when I logged on today (10/05/2014) I noticed that the F-Secure tab, which had always been at the top of the page and had to be switched off after use, is no longer showing.  The F-Secure box shows banking protection is active but there is so sign that it is so.  Can I get this visual sign that it is there and if not, how can I be sure it is working.  I have looked at the Community sitre but there is no mention of this that I can see.




  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
    First, in FS Launch Pad, go to Online Safety > Browser Extensions reinstall the extension, and restart the browser.

    If that doesn't do the trick, then in Firefox, go to the Add ons list and see if Online Safety is enabled.

    Come back to us with what you find. :)
  • Da
    Da Posts: 9

    Thank you for your prompt reply, Simon.  I had already tried reinstalling the extensions but did it again for luck.  After restarting it made no difference.

    I have looked at Firefox Add-Ons but Online Safety is not only disabled but is incompatible with Firefox 29.0.1.  The version of Online Safety is 2.99.2287.

    All seems rather strange.  I can never work out why up-dates, etc. often seem to raise these issues.  You would think an up-date would simply add  on to what was already there !

    Can you suggest any futher action please?  I really do not want to move to another browser as I like Firefox.



  • NikK
    NikK Posts: 903 Forum Champion

    My Firefox 29.0.1 is compatible with Online Safety 2.107.2548 (IS 2014 release 3)


    Your Online Safety version is not the latest. If you have a standard retail version of Internet Security you can upgrade here to see if that helps:


    Another thread suggests editing C:\Program Files\F-Secure\apps\OnlineSafety\browser\deploy\fs_firefox_https\install.rdf and shorten the Homepage URL. That solved the incompatible problem.

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    My SAFE version still seems to be the incompatible one, so how have you got a later version, Nik? 


    Also, I know I've asked this before, but I can never remember where to find which versions are installed - where is it again?  red-face.gif

  • Da
    Da Posts: 9

    Thank you NikK.  I looked at the f-secure site you suggested but it said (in red)

    Note: Don't upgrade to version 2014 if you have subscribed to a security service through your Internet operator or through F-Secure SAFE. Subscribers to SAFE must install and upgrade security services through the My SAFE portal.

    I am going to follow the My SAFE link and see what happens.

  • Da
    Da Posts: 9

    No. I just go round in circles coming back to the page which says I can't !!  When I look at my F-Secure tab and ask it to check for updates, it tells me I am up to date.  It looks as if Virgin Media, Firefox and F-Secure are not talking to one another.

  • NikK
    NikK Posts: 903 Forum Champion

    I asked a few weeks ago here and Ville explained that "The upgrade is in gradual (throttled) mode, so only a few thousand customers receive the upgrade per day". By running the installer manually you can get the new version immediately.

    For SAFE you need to upgrade/re-install through the SAFE Portal, as stated on the download/installers page.


    The version number confusion is a problem. IS 2014 Release 3 has Launch Pad version 2.06.303

    You can check the windows control panel - Programs And Features - for the "F-Secure" version. Or right-click the F-Secure tray icon and select "About".

  • Da
    Da Posts: 9

    I have tried the SAFE route. It takes me to my log-on, then to its home page, then to Support but then the Downloads takes me straight back to the page which says I can't !  I have gone into the F-Secure tray and tried to update but that tells me I am up to date with version 1.99 build 192.

    I have come to F-Secure because that is what Virgin Media has recommended and I have it for free until November.  However, if a "Free" version is not protecting me then it could be a rather expensive one.  Only allowing the updates out a few at a time is one of the most extra-ordinary things I have heard.   I may be better with one of the really free ones like Avanti.   

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    I can empathise with Da.  I've just reinstalled my SAFE IS 2014 via the SAFE portal, and it is now showing as this in About:


    F-Secure 2.06 build 303

    CCF CUIF 10.02 build 533
    CCF DAAS2 1.10 build 369
    CCF Automatic Update Agent 1.06 build 121
    CCF Upstream 2.01 build 469
    CCF Diagnostics 8.01 build 444
    CCF Scanning 1.41 build 104.175
    CCF Network 1.02 build 136
    CCF Reputation 1.1 build 25.2280


    However, despite reinstalling the browser extension and rebooting a couple of times, OS is still imcompatible with my Firefox:



  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    @Da wrote:

    No. I just go round in circles coming back to the page which says I can't !!  When I look at my F-Secure tab and ask it to check for updates, it tells me I am up to date.  It looks as if Virgin Media, Firefox and F-Secure are not talking to one another.


    You need to scroll down to where your device is listed, and click 'Reinstall'.  Have you done that?  I actually had trouble getting the page to work in anything other than Internet Explorer, so that might be worth a try if your devices are not displaying.

  • NikK
    NikK Posts: 903 Forum Champion

    Did you see this?


    Another thread suggests editing C:\Program Files\F-Secure\apps\OnlineSafety\browser\deploy\fs_firefox_https\install.rdf and shorten the Homepage URL. That solved the incompatible problem.

  • NikK
    NikK Posts: 903 Forum Champion

    What it means is the value between the tags <em:homepageURL> and </em:homepageURL>


    I already have a short value so I don't have to change anything:


  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    Well, that has cured the incompatibility issue.  Mine was set to F-Secure Search, but the url was very long and complex.  I've now set it to and all is working fine.


    By the way, in my Windows 8.1, the file is in C:\Program Files (x86)\F-Secure\apps\OnlineSafety\browser\deploy\fs_firefox_https, and I had to copy it to my desktop in order to edit it, then replace the original file.

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
    Surely though, the end user shouldn't have to do this? Smiley Sad
  • Da
    Da Posts: 9

    Well, I've followed that tree as far as the install rdf bit but it won't open that file so I don't get any chance to change anything.  I ceratinly don't see anything like <em:homepageURL> anywhere. Am I doing something wrong?

  • NikK
    NikK Posts: 903 Forum Champion

    Agreed! It's a bug and it seems to hit random users depending on the HomePageURL which I guess is where you initiated the installaion/purchase from. If you have a long URL or lots of parameters in it, Online Safety becomes incompatible Smiley Sad


    Let's see if @Ben or @Stephan can put this on an high priority backlog or something.



    Da, try opening the file in Notepad. Maybe it also requires admin privileges, don't know.

  • Da
    Da Posts: 9

    Good news, NikK.  Just re-read what you said about re-installing at my PC on the SAFE page - and its working  Smiley Happy  Must do it for my laptop now. Thank you vey much for your patient replies and your useful suggestions. 

    Also to Simon for his input.  As you say, Simon, you would think this would happen automatically.

    Thanks to you both,


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser

    But why do you think that it's trouble on F-Secure side?!


    Firefox create a new version of browser, where randomly it's broken for some plugins/addons?! :) Maybe Firefox should to fix that (or... create more compatiblity changes). Just because previously versions of Firefox was without that situation with my current device.


    Anyway - how many users already create a ticket about current trouble for investigation by F-Secure support?


    For my situation (also  2.06 and Online Safety 2.107) - it's not related with any long-URL (just because it's not longer, than examples here) and simply... addons/plugins installed are fine, but does not work without any alerts (in some places); Any editing also does not help.


    And if it's already not fixed in new versions (just because current plugins/addons created before any new versions of Firefox?!) - here just need to create a ticket for F-Secure Support.


    Or..... waiting update for new version, which already works like need?! 


  • Da
    Da Posts: 9

    But which comes first - browser or security?  Surely it is up to the security company (which makes money by saying it is keeping you secure) to be aware of what browers are up-grading and act immediately.  They should not be sitting there waiting for a ticket.  Brower updates happem automatically, I should not have to be searching to see if F-Secure have decided to make one.  Sorry, but these companies are takingb our money, they should be doing better.

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    @Da wrote:

    Well, I've followed that tree as far as the install rdf bit but it won't open that file so I don't get any chance to change anything.  I ceratinly don't see anything like <em:homepageURL> anywhere. Am I doing something wrong?


    You have to move the original file to your Desktop, then open in Wordpad / Notepad, edit and save.  Then copy the new file back to the original directory, overwriting the old one.

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    I do also agree that a major factor here is that the F-Secure product had not automatically updated to a newer version, thus causing users to be running an old version of Online Safety.  We shouldn't really have to manually update by logging into SAFE and reinstalling the product - who would usually ever think to do that?

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser



    Yes, but you have modern operation system and modern browser. Why you choose another browser?!


    Modern Microsoft Windows have enought features to be protected without any other software.

    Modern Internet Explorer probably - best. And it's include protection level.


    All troubles around Windows/Interent Explorer (here I mean any zero-days troubles and other vulnerability) comes here... just because it's most popular and most used things. For malware authors.. not interesting create/learn something.. if it's not popular. And here already... most nice - that Microsoft create any "patches" some kind of "fast";


    You can use Microsoft Windows (modern one), Internet Explorer, Windows firewall, Windows Defender and create here advanced-layer - EMET.


    And you some kind of protected.... and it's better, than something another - if you don't use any not-free protection-software.



    So, about other part - it's of course "no question". All protection-software companies (but all other too; Firefox also want money.. and get that a lot) want money.


    Here just one different all of them:


     - Someone of that protection-software companies.... indeed create a lot for protection their users.

     - Someone... just "something do" - but it's indeed. not enough.



    F-Secure do that nice and when you give money for their programs - you receive high-quality software without points, which you will be with any other software.... regulary. Like BSODs, crashes, broken your system, not enough protection-level or other.


    F-Secure just have one "trouble" (which can not be "trouble" in all meanings) - they create high-quality-skilled software and that required a lot of things, which they do....

    But that will create a situation, when little "points" can be missing for F-Secure people. And how they can do fix something (or change, or add) - if thay miss that? They will be found that.... but commonly speed-way for that....  user's feedback.

    If you do that - you already want to say "They just take my money - and nothing to do";


    Anyway... I not see on current situation... your position.


    Just because - I'm sure... that current versions of F-Secure (which can be in internal tests) already and long-time without any troubles with new version of Firefox.  And here all up-to-date.


    What about stable-versions, which I can to use....   here have troubles with modern version of Firefox. But maybe it's already fixed - I will try to check it today.


    Anyway... when Google Chrome with new update... goes to crash my system (totally BSOD) - I not sure.. that it's can be trouble in Windows Microsoft developers-team....

    Just because it's another software... not default... and that software should be created without any conflicted with "most important" part of system.


    When Firefox create functionality about addons/plugins - their should be do that without any troubles for any "addon/plugins"-makers.

    If there.... F-Secure create a mistake - it's already without "no questions" - and F-Secure should it fix....  but probably already fixed... but not tested enought for "be sure" about "all OK". And here different between.. high-quality software.. and software, which just goes to production for users... :)


  • Da
    Da Posts: 9

    Thank you for that long reply, Ukko. 

    It must be a headache for all computer software people trying to keep up with those other people who want to spoil everything. It is such a shame that we have to have all this security in the first place.   I am lucky that, as far as I know, I have not had any trouble but I have been using Firefox for a long time.  It was said to be safer because those trouble makers did not attack it so much.  Maybe if Internet Explorer is getting more secure then they will turn their attention to Firefox.  I will be staying with F-Secure unitl November when I will be asked to pay directly.  Then I will have to decide.

    Thanks again.

  • rob-bob
    rob-bob Posts: 13

    It may be that I have been in the IT industry for too long (30yrs) but I am seriously confused with this 'short' URL.

    My install.rdf has the following line




    What does it need to be 'shortened'  to. (and then what steps have to be followed  e.g start re-installation etc.)


    After hours of re-installing etc. I am now in the position of

    Firefox v 29.01

    F-Secure 2.06 build 303


    and still no joy.


    Is it all possible for sumone to summarise and put together an step-by-step, idiots guide to getting this sorted.


    Apologies for being an ignoramus

  • rob-bob
    rob-bob Posts: 13

    Sorry warparound cut url short in previous mail




    what does it need to be 'shortened ' to


    many thanks

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
    I don't really get it either, but I just set mine to and it worked fine.

    One thing I noticed was that the Home page didn't appear in the add on details, until I'd changed it. Not sure what that indicates, but maybe even just changing or resetting the Home page in the browser settings might work? I haven't tried that myself, so if anyone does, could you let us know?
  • Hello,


    Please try these steps to fix the Online Safety extension disabled issue on Firefox 29.x.
    - Enter about:config into the address bar.
    - Find key extensions.strictCompatibility.
    - If the state of this key is true, double-click on the entry to change the setting to False.
    - Restart Firefox.


    Best Regards,

  • rob-bob
    rob-bob Posts: 13

    extensions.strictCompatibility. already set to false.


    Changed it to true, rebooted.

    Then changed it back to false, rebooted, Fsecure - re-install extensions, reboot


    Still no joy.


    Online safety is incompatible with Firefox 29.0.1

    Onlie Safety 2.107.248 (disabled)

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
    Did the home page thing not work either?
  • rob-bob
    rob-bob Posts: 13



    Just to ensure that I have not missed out on following the whole convoluted process, I have just done the following:

    1. Changed Home page to

    2. Re-installed F-secure

    3. Checked Strict:compatibily is false

    4. F-Secure, reinstall browser additions.

    5 rebooted (a few times) during all of the above

    6. and just for good measure, temporarily disabled all other addons




    Exactly the same lack of success!


    And just to really confuse myself, checked my 'Microsnot Tinternet Exploder' (because I need to desperately access my online banking systems) and despite F-secure addon enabled, the original post by Da (not seeing the 'banking protection active') still remains.


    Maybe I am doing something really wrong?

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