Mobile security and phone not starting up

I bought mobile security for my phone 6 months ago. Everything was working fine up until 2 weeks ago.
My phone is Samsung Galaxy S2 Plus.
My phone suddenly refused to start up, only thing I got was that Samsung logo and even if I waited 5-10 minutes, nothing happened. Every time I tried to start up my phone I had to try 10-15 times until it finally started.
So.... I restored the factory settings and updated everything, no help.
Then I had an idea, I uninstalled F-Secure mobile security and tried. Now it seems to start up again.
I wonder.... could there be some bug etc. on mobile security that actually does this, or is this just a huge coincidence? Anybody else had similar issues?
If F-S is the culprit, I wonder is there anything I can do about it except leave it uninstalled?
Thank you.
I found an (maybe) related old thread that suggests clearing the cache in Application Manager.
Or perhaps better you could try a separe product:
CCleaner is truly great on computers, but I have no experience with the mobile version.
Another thing to test is to re-install Mobile Security after uninstalling it. Just to see if perhaps that makes any difference
Hi, I would like to investigate this further. Can you create a support ticket and send me the ticket number as a private message?