Command Line Scan Leave C:\PROGRAM file in root of C:\ Drive!

Have an intresting one. It appears that at somepoint a Scheduled scan has initiated a command line Scan which
leaves a file C:\PROGRAM in root of C:\ Drive!
Looking at the contenetns of the file it is obvious that it the log file of the scan and sould have been in a F-Secure log directory but the command was specified something lilke
C:\PROGRAM intel 386 f-secure\antivirius\logs\report.txt
When it ran it stripped everything off after the first space and dumped the report file in C:\PROGRAM
I would imagin if the command line option for this had be quoted like:
"C:\PROGRAM intel 386 f-secure\antivirius\logs\report.txt"
The all would have been good!
This came to light on the next re-boot when Win 7 checks detected the C:\PROGRAM file and complaied about it!
Does anyone know where I can check the command line settings for such scheduled commands? So I can see if I can change anything to make this work properly, or at least not leave rubbish files around in thye wronh places!
Rgs Steve
Don't know, but if I check inside my latest REPORT.TXT I can see the command line parameters it started with:
It seems it uses the 8.3 filename format(also called Short Filename "SFN") to specify where the report will be stored. Perhaps the problem has something to do with that.
To verify: Open a command prompt(cmd.exe) and change directory(cd) to the one with the report.txt file, then type command and press enter and you should see the 8.3 path. Example with the path on my PC:
C:\>cd C:\Program Files\F-Secure\apps\ComputerSecurity\Anti-Virus
C:\Program Files\F-Secure\apps\ComputerSecurity\Anti-Virus>command
Microsoft(R) Windows DOS
(C)Copyright Microsoft Corp 1990-2001.C:\PROGRA~1\F-SECURE\APPS\COMPUT~1\ANTI-V~1>
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Hi NikK
What version of windows you running 'command' on? I'm on windows 7 and the problem machine is also windows 7.
I can see the logic in you conclusion for 8.3 ver long file name formats.
My windows 7 machine does not have the 'command' program on the cmd.exe line?
Actualy I'd be supprised if it did!
Can't try on offending PC as at a customers
Win 7 here too, but you probably have a 64-bit OS and I don't think that includes the old 16-bit MS-DOS
There is one way you can get 8.3 filenames from cmd.exe - if you do a dir command with /X parameter but it doesn't work for a path that includes multiple folders. So instead you could start cmd.exe and run this command, just replace the path inside the quote signs:
for %I in ("C:\Program Files\F-Secure\apps\ComputerSecurity\Anti-Virus") do echo %~sI
Output: C:\PROGRA~1\F-Secure\apps\COMPUT~1\ANTI-V~1