Virus definitions are 8 days old

Hi Jay,
Please refer to article found from the following link and see if any of the advices there was helpful:
Hi Jay,
Please try this:
1. Make sure that your system clock is set to current date and time.
2. Refer to this KB article.
Best Regards,Jayson
I have the same issue with virus definitions and deep scan not being updated. Each day it that passes changes the message (definitons are now 15 days old)
My system time and date are correct. My full subscription is valid and I have an internet connection.
I show that the program connected to the update server today.
Is the update server working correctly? (Mine is
The link you posted to a help article goes to a header that does not have any article attached.
How can I force the program to go get new virus definitions?
Now the link should be working.
In case you cannot access it, here are the steps provided in the article:
- On the main product page, click Check for updates .
- On the main product page, click Statistics to check the status of your subscription.
- Check that the Windows date and time are correct because incorrect settings can cause the product to report that your virus definitions are out of date even though this is not the case. You can see the date and time in the Windows system tray. You can change the clock settings in the Date and Time Properties. To open the properties, double-click the clock.
- Check that Windows firewall is turned off. For more information, see article 2269 - Turning off Windows Firewall .
- Download and run fsaua-reset.exe . When the command window opens, press Y . The program will close by itself.
- Download and run fsdbupdate9.exe which contains a new copy of the virus definitions.