Folder being hidden after an item found by F-Secure quarantined

I recently installed F-Secure on my Win7 64bit PC. When I scan my PC it finds an "adaware " item that it suggests should be quarantined. If I do that and reboot my PC I find the "applications" folder in c:/user/peter/applications becomes hidden. If I restore my computer to an earlier time the folder becomes visible again but the "adaware" is back. Why is F-Secure hiding this folder?
Sorry, it's not something I've noticed, or can answer. If you don't get any further responses here, I can only suggest you raise a Support Ticket and ask F-Secure about it. Maybe it's supposed to do it for additional protection?
Met same situation too (and it's not just trouble with F-Secure programs and can be more worst examples);
It's happened after cleaning or "cure it". For that need detection in some "critical" points; For example, "high risk"-malware or "suspicious and risk-placement" - or another things;
Some kind of "cleaning-steps" / "cure it" break to "default" some settings (like "hidden folders" and some another can be too);
What certainly create that - I can't to say - but probably it's "system functions", which using in F-Secure program during cleaning system after troubles with malware/viruses/another (which created infection or suspicious behavior with potential infection);
Locally - it's not good, but can be very helpful in situations, where detected "so high" malware and "actions" by that malware - which can to clean in system just with that behavior.
It's also not answer - probably tomorrow something from F-Secure team answered here too...
Just that behavior create some troubles for me too (and it's not just F-Secure program behavior - most part of programs, which can to cure or to clean system after infection; not just "to delete" malware-program);
Hello all,
I'll try to shed some light on the matter.
In order to do some cleanup in system folder, our products sometimes need to change the rights of the given folder.
Once the cleanup is finalized, f-secure will try to revert the rights of the folder to their original state.
It happens that sometimes the rights are reverted to default. This is unfortunately a side effect of cleaning up some system folder with non-default rights.