
Why is it impossible to contact f secure experts on line or to sewnd a request for support.

the customer service is extreemly poor. How can I contact them.


  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
    They don't work weekends. Is there anything we may be able to help with?
  • NikK
    NikK Posts: 903 Forum Champion

    It may take a couple of days to get a response when you send a support request.


    If you want to call support you'll find phone numbers and service hours per country here 

    Or you can try chat 

  • Tafia
    Tafia Posts: 11 Observer



    I too have tried to fill in the on line support form and it is not accepted because I haven't completed the Service Rquest type box. When I click in it to select, there are no options, just the word " Select".


    I enter that and then am told I have not filled in the form and that box is shown in red.

  • NikK
    NikK Posts: 903 Forum Champion

    Sounds like it's some kind of JavaScript problem. If you have an old browser version you could try upgrade to the latest version. If you already have the latest version I suggest you try from a different browser.

  • Dear Tafia,


    In order to fill the "service request" part of the form, you need to first chose the product & product version. 

    Only once the "product details" part is filled in you should have drop down menu for the "service request type".


    If product information are already filled in and you still have the issue, could you provide a screenshot of the form so that we better understand  the issue? 


    Thank you

  • Tafia
    Tafia Posts: 11 Observer

    Sorry for the later response. I didn't get the expected notification to say some had replied though the email when someone replies box is ticked.


    Will try the form again though everything was filled in as required.


    Thanks for your response



  • Tafia
    Tafia Posts: 11 Observer

    Just tried the on-line form again and this time it was OK.


    Last time I contacted Support it took over a week to see a reply. Hope they are quicker this time.


    I see that F Secure used to be highly recommended by PC Advisor but has fallen out of their top 5 of late due to slow scan speeds.


    Anyone else had that issue. They say the German test house did not have the problems that PC Advisor testers did.





  • NikK
    NikK Posts: 903 Forum Champion

    Regarding PC Advisor the problem was with manually scanning zip archives. Since this is a rare problem there's nothing to worry about IMO. I've only had this problem once when I've downloaded some really large files and did a manual scan.


    But normally it's not even necessary to do manual scans because of the real-time scan. For archive files like .zip in this case, the files inside it won't be scanned until they are extracted or executed.

    So you might say that the purpose with a manual scan is to find malware before the real-time scan does. Or, depending on the manual scan settings, to do a more aggressive scan.


    If you still want to do manual scans there are some checkbox settings that can make a BIG difference in scan speed:

    • Scan only known file types
    • Scan inside compressed files
    • Use advanced heuristics (an aggressive scan that might flag harmless files as suspicious)

    The fastest scan is if you only check the first checkbox - Scan only known file types.

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