Mobile Subscription - Site Certificate problems



Trying to buy the F-secure mobile for my andriod device. I get the following error message - There are problems with the security certificate for this site.


When I "view certificate" - The name onthe site does not match the name onthe certificate


Issued to


Common name: *


Organisation- Adobe Systems Inc


Organisational Unit - Adobe Marketing Cloud


Serial number 05:27:AB:38:11:F0:85:A5:F6:51:4D:3E:2F:9B:2B:0B


Issued by


Digicert High Assurance CA-3




DigiCert Inc


Organisational Unit


Issued 08/03/2013


Expires 11/05/2016




Not sure I'm wanting to use my card details if I'm getting this kind of message. Well no. I am sure I don't want to use my card details.


Please advise.




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