Mobile Subscription - Site Certificate problems

Trying to buy the F-secure mobile for my andriod device. I get the following error message - There are problems with the security certificate for this site.
When I "view certificate" - The name onthe site does not match the name onthe certificate
Issued to
Common name: *
Organisation- Adobe Systems Inc
Organisational Unit - Adobe Marketing Cloud
Serial number 05:27:AB:38:11:F0:85:A5:F6:51:4D:3E:2F:9B:2B:0B
Issued by
Digicert High Assurance CA-3
DigiCert Inc
Organisational Unit
Issued 08/03/2013
Expires 11/05/2016
Not sure I'm wanting to use my card details if I'm getting this kind of message. Well no. I am sure I don't want to use my card details.
Please advise.
Page info -
f-secure mobile cart
address -
Hello Nfmueller,
Could you precise which page/website is redirecting you towards the page with the certificate issue?
You can subscribe normally without problem through our website.
or even try it for free
Hi @nfmueller ,
While you're waiting for a follow-up response, I've moved your post to the correct board.
Have a great weekend!
// Chrissy
If you go directly to the link Nfmueller posted: you'll get a certificate error.
Does the payment process at any time go to this site? Or is this an alternative site for purchase? Or what is it?
Chrissy - Thank you.
Stephan - what exactly were you trying to reproduce if you don't know what device I use? My phone settings (date/time) would that have any relation to site certificates?
Nikk - Thank you! I am really quite shocked that this issue is not being taken seriously. I am wondering if there is a lack of knwledge as to what site certifacates do...and what it means if they are not correct? I mean...this is f-secure...a company I have always held in incredibly high esteem. I'm wondering what Mikko would think of this?
Being weekend now they probably won't be back until next week (Ben & Stephan)
To their defense I think they were trying to verify from where you initiated the purchase. Was it from ? or did you initiate the purchase from a different site, if so which one?
Your phones date/time settings does have importance for the certificates Valid From and Valid To settings. But the certificate problem with seems to be a different problem.
As page info you mentioned "f-secure mobile cart". When googling that I only get one hit: The link on that page then leads to:
Just trying to brainstorm here, so we can rule out any confusion.
If you answer these questions they probably can help you better.
Hello nfmueller,
Apologies. When you posted your message, I quickly checked an Android test device, entered the purchase flow and did not receive an error.
That's why I asked for those details.
We did however find the problem and are currently fixing it.I'm still curious how you ended up with this URL/error.
Could you please let us know how you ran into this problem?Best regards,