How can I tell if antivirus is working

Hi I'm a new user to F-secure following Virgin Media's change from their own branded antivirus. Had quite a few problems downloading what with removing Virgin's antivirus and Norton which was supposed ot have been wiped when Virgin's antivirus was loaded. Well all thats behind now and I have F-secure on my lap top which is running Vista.
The problem I have is that I am not sure if F-secure is running or not, Windows Security Alerts is telling me I have no Antivirus when it had previously not displayed this with virgin's antivirus. When I click F-Secure from the icons in the bottom right hand corner I only show two F-secure boxes, one for SEARCH and the other for F-Secure, is this correct ?
Any help anyone can give would be greatly appreciated as I don't want to use the PC if its not protected.
Same problem as in this thread:
Hope that helps!
If you previously had Virgin Media Security, chances are that it hasn't been completely removed. That might lead to strange behavior when using F-Secure. The link explains how to use an additional removal tool to solve that.
A functional F-Secure should show something like this when you launch F-Secure or click the F-Secure icon in the systray(bottom right corner of your desktop):
Clicking Computer Security will show your protection status. And there you also have options to start different kinds of scans.
To verify if your anti-virus is working properly, try this safe and harmless test file:
If your anti-virus works you should see a message like this:
Hello Gwyn and Marty,
With Computer Security not installed, Windows is actually right, you are not protected.
I assume, the installation failed partially. This might be caused by previous/current other Anti-Virus software installed.
Could you please remove all other Anti-Virus software (such as the previous Virgin Media Security) and give the installation another try?
If you run into the same issue again, please contact us. We'll be able to assist.
Best regards,
Once correctly installed you can try some of the check tests here at AMTSO; to check that F-Secure SAFE is working properly.
Further, trying to access the following site; will test that the F-Secure Online Safety plugin is working.
If you didn't follow the advice from the first link, to use an additional removal tool for Virgin Media Security, here it is:
I have a similar problem in that when I run the free F secure health check program, it tells me that NO antivirus program is found and that my computer is not protected.
But I have the Virgin media F secure package and its up to date
I tested it using the methods suggested above and I think it is working and that the health check program is wrong.
I guess the only way to know is to wait for a real virus...... -
If you mean you tested with the eicar testfile and that was detected, then everything should be fine.
If you didn't test Browsing Protection(part of Online Safety) test it here: if it's working you should see a message that the website was blocked.
I think Health Check hasn't been updated in a long while and doesn't work properly. I know at least 3 other threads with questions about it, but still no replies from F-Secure after over 1 month
@annette36 wrote:I have today removed the Virgin Security but I joined F-Secure at the beginning of December 2013. Is my computer secure?
You removed Virgin Media Security today, but "joined" F-Secure a month ago. Not sure what you mean.
When you click the F-Secure icon in the bottom right corner of the screen(in the "systray"), do you see something like this?
This has 4 buttons. You should see either 4 or 5 buttons.
If you click "Computer Security" you'll se your protection status.
If you don't see "Computer Security" you need to run an additional removal tool for VMS, UserCommunity-Uu-RpsUU.exe Instructions here:
I joined F-Secure following a request from Virgin Media that their service was stopping. Does this mean I have "lost" a months security from F-Secure because I didn't wait until today to get rid of it?
I have no visual checks and have followed the Virgin Media instructions and uninstalled their security. I then restarted my computer but still nothing on my screen.
I can't answer if you "lost" a month or not. I think first we need to know more:
When you say joined, do you mean you only registered or logged in to F-Secure SAFE ? Or did you also proceed with installing the F-Secure product? Just wanna make sure if you really have installed the F-Secure product or not. I think it's not clear from your description.
Watch this video and see if you can recall doing the same thing as in the video:
You're welcome. You can wait and see if someone from F-Secure can give you an answer on that here and/or submit a support request and explain your situation:
Hey blackcat.
Both your links show as "Blocked. This website has been proven as harmful".
I'm really tearing my hair out over this F-secure replacement for my Virgin Security.
My 4 options are "Online Safety", "Safe Profile", "Search", & "F-Secure".
The "Computer Security" icon does not show.
I don't have the "Computer Security" option.
I have "Online Safety" showing instead.
What can I do?
When I click on that, it tells me that "harmful sites are blocked" & "Banking protection is on".
And there is a "Settings" link on that page. If I click on that, a box comes up asking about downloading "F-Secure settings".
Should I click on that?
Hi Muzz
first if you can try and keep your problems to one thread it will be easier for some of the helpers here to keep up with them.
1. Have you used the specific uninstaller for Virgin Media's previous AV? If not use that first;
2. Uninstall your F-Secure SAFE as you should have 5 blue icon boxes and not the 4 you have. This means that your install is not complete.
3. Reboot after the uninstall. Install F-Secure again and the reboot. Fingers crossed you should then have a working F-Secure SAFE.
The basic problem initially for a LOT of Virgin Media customers is that their previous AV is not being completely uninstalled before F-Secure is loaded on. Once you have removed all the remnants of that old AV then you should have a successful install of F-Secure.
Keep us posted.
PS You have no Windows Updates waiting in the background? Give this recent thread a quick read as well;
Hey Blackcat. That was a quick response. Thank you !
Yeah, I did originally start a thread asking about my problem, but someone responded & sent me links to similar threads with some other folk's similar questions & I found myself responsing to those as well (like I did yours). Sorry about that.
Anyway, it seems that I HAD uninstalled Virgin completely, it was just that (like you say) F-Secure has not installed properly.
So I uninstalled it & re-installed it. Was a bit difficult trying to find my original link from Virgin to get to it so that it was free, but I found it & did it. As it was loading I could see it saying "installing Computer Security" etc etc) which I didn't get the previous time.
So I now have the 5 boxes as shown in your pic & I'm relieved that I am covered.
Thank you for helping me. I was getting in a panic.
All the best. Deryck