Invalid Subscription Key??




Today I made a clean re-installation of Windows 7, and once installed again I went to and downloaded F-Secure Internet Security 2012, but when I try to add my key it just denies it. The message says: Verification Failed.

It's a up to 3 computers subscription.


Last time I payed to continue using Internet Security was: 19.09.2011




  • Skuggan
    Skuggan Posts: 25


    Oh wait, support is closed, does that mean I have to wait until monday?

  • Hi Skuggan,

    Thanks for your post.

    I would suggest you to send create a Support ticket, kindly include your subscription key in your ticket as well.

    Best Regards,

  • Skuggan
    Skuggan Posts: 25

    Hi Jayson,


    I did that right after I wrote the first post.

    And I included the subscription key and fsdiag, although the I wrote the ticket in Swedish, but you can still see the key there and the fsdiag.


    [SR ID:1-481704289]

  • Skuggan
    Skuggan Posts: 25



    Anyone over at F-Secure have time to have a look at my subscription key problem?


    My support ticket, it's written in Swedish but you can still see the key and check it. I got it when I bought FSIS 2011, and now I downloaded FSIS 2012 and the key wont work.


    [SR ID:1-481704289]

  • Skuggan
    Skuggan Posts: 25


    Thanks, I'll go through the steps and see if it helps.

    But I did add the fsdiag to the support ticket, maybe I forgot to upload it after adding it though. :)

  • Skuggan
    Skuggan Posts: 25


    It's working now, thanks. Smiley Wink

  • hi,

    I just wanted to ask you if you could share the solution, I think I`ve got the same problem


    thanks //Derek

  • Hi LIAMSI,

    Could you please describes more about your issue? This thread is 1 year old and we have made some changes in the latest released version so the issue you are having might be totally different.


    Best Regards,

This discussion has been closed.