Moving threads to different boards

Yes, check if you received emails for "Re: virus's imside Aquarius?" earlier this evening. Both you and me had posted in that thread before it was moved.
When I posted a new message in that thread two hours ago, that is after it was moved, I had a subscription to the thread again. You can verify this under My Settings - Subscriptions & Notifications.
Key board is a bad name
It looks like you're correct, the Aquarius thread is no longer in my list, but even more curiously, this thread isn't either, though I've just received an email notification of your last post! The other thread I posted in this afternoon, was the one about the iMac, and that is in the list, so I'm not really sure what's going on.
Sounds strange! But at least you got the emails for this thread. So that must be a different kind of problem, a minor one.
I wonder if this email bug also happens to the thread starters. I guess and hope not, that would be very bad: If someone posts in the wrong board, they won't be notified of any replies after the thread has been moved to the correct board?!
Hi guys! Sorry for the delay, and thanks for bringing this to our attention. Once we're back to being fully staffed, we'll see if there's some way around this issue.
I wonder if you've noticed, by the way, if this was also a problem in posts that were moved from the Security board to the Password Management board (when that was created), which had a copy left in the original board? -
Chrissy, with "copied" posts to Password Management board I assume you mean the ones marked as
They were not copied since the original posts were deleted and only a post about the thread being moved was left. I guess that action deleted all subscriptions to the thread.
When the thread was moved I lost my subscription to it, to both the Security and Password Management thread
NikK, actually I had the lexis wrong
I meant "leave a placeholder," so it actually doesn't copy, but as you said, leaves a message about the thread's new location. So, I suppose this isn't working, then... I'll have to dig deeper into the settings, as I, too, would have assumed this to occur automatically. -
Dear All,
after some investigation (which took way too much time, my apologies!) I have an answer: There's currently no way to take the subscription with you after the thread has been moved. That's unfortunate and we'll be looking into this with our supplier in the future.
Hopefully the "How to post" instructions will help with having more posts appear in the right places.