YubiKey support for F-Secure Key?

NikK Posts: 903 Forum Champion

I don't know if the purpose with Key is to compete with the major password managers or not.

If it is, I think Key should have support for YubiKey, like LastPass and KeyPass etc have.


YubiKey may be the next big thing in 2-factor authentication, and is an excellent solution combined with a password manager product, a hardware + software authentication. For example Facebook and Google employees are now testing this and if all goes well we'll might soon see them offering YubiKey support to their customers. That would be huge!


Password Managers supporting YubiKey:



Example of YubiKey used with a PM product:


2 votes

Declined · Last Updated


  • We are constantly looking into options for increasing convenience over master password in a secure way. Multifactor authentication is one way. YubiKey is an interersting option and we are likely to research the opportunities it can offer.


    Thanks for the pointers and your insight!


  • TheoGant
    TheoGant Posts: 2 New Member
    Definitely please make this a planned feature. Buy some yubikeys and experiment. The NFC keys are great with mobile devices!
  • philldude
    philldude Posts: 1 New Member

    I want to up vote this feature as well. With yubikey 5 and NFC you can really secure the one source that houses all your passwords. 

  • amxa
    amxa Posts: 1 New Member

    I would like to use a Yubikey for logging in. LastPass and Dashlane are already supporting the Yubikey, so I'm considering switching. When will the Yubikey be supported by F-Secure Key?

  • sailbum00
    sailbum00 Posts: 2 New Member

    Echoing others, yubikey and webauthn are becoming near defaults. When will F-secure and its products begin to support? Particularly important and relevant as Yubico is about to release a key product that supports usb-c and lightning (iphone) connections. 

  • ChanceT
    ChanceT Posts: 2 New Member

    Yubikey support please!
    The lack of Yubikey support is the only thing that keeps me from actually using Key.

  • stipu
    stipu Posts: 1 New Member

    Please add yubi key support. A Master Password as requested by the F-Secure Key is not something which Id like to be remembered.



  • hogen
    hogen Posts: 2 New Member

    Why is this not done yet?

    This was suggested 2013 and still nothing more than "we are likely to research the opportunities".

    That makes it look like the Key software is not receiving the development it needs and is probably on the lowest priorities in F-secure.

  • ChanceT
    ChanceT Posts: 2 New Member

    Another upvote.

    The lack of Yubikey support is the only thing that kept me from actually using KEY and now again is the only thing that keeps me from using ID Protection.

    Very, very dissapointed that is has been 9 years and there still is no support!

    Why not add support and sell a limited edition F-secure branded Yubikey to celebrate. ;)

  • Skotte
    Skotte Posts: 1 New Member

    Still missing Yubikey integration !

    As MFA is still more a MUST HAVE, I don't undestand that it isn't integrated yet.

  • mutmutmut
    mutmutmut Posts: 2 New Member

    We need this. Please make the support.