Demo and expired license

kamal Posts: 21 Observer


 I downloaded the F secure Internet Security network installer to install the demo and i have installed and uninstalled in 2 days.But after i tried to install the f-secure IS it says trial version expired but i can see the License #1 is valid for another 29 days.So how can i install f secure again on same PC ? Please let me know.




  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    I could be wrong, but I believe the trial versions have a different network installer to the licensed versions, so if you now have a valid license, you can download FSIS from here:



    If you want to reinstall your trial version, you may have to contact FS Support to have the trial license reset - but I'm not sure if they would do that.  Hopefully one of the experts will clarify that.







  • kamal
    kamal Posts: 21 Observer

    I contacted the f secure support but no reply.The chat is not working anytime Smiley Sad

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    You may just have to be a little patient.  I've rarely had a reply from FS Support in less than 24 hours, and as it's the holiday season, and a weekend, it may take them a little longer than usual to respond.

  • kamal
    kamal Posts: 21 Observer

    Sure no problem.

  • Hi kamal,


    Please try the following steps:


    1. Download and run the F-Secure Uninstallation tool from the HERE.

    2. Follow the on-screen instructions and reboot the computer. 

    3. Once done, reinstall F-Secure 2013 trial version.


    If you are still having any issue with the installation, please provide us the SRID number from the ticket you had created with our support team.


    Best regards,


  • kamal
    kamal Posts: 21 Observer


     I have done what you said but still same problem.The installer says Trial version cannot be installed on this computer.

     I have contacted support team with fsdiag details.


  • Hi Kamal,


    Can you post the SRID number here in order for us to follow up the case with you? Or you can also send a private message to me with the e-mail address you used to create the ticket if you are unsure what is the SRID number.


    Thank you.


    Best regards,


  • Blackcat
    Blackcat Posts: 503 Influencer

    Best of luck with this problem. I never managed to solve it even with support's help.


    Overall, F-Secure need to make it easier to run the trial versions before buying; only having 1 install is IMHO not enough.


    They will lose potential customers in the long term.



  • kamal
    kamal Posts: 21 Observer

    You said it right.The issue is not solved and i replied to the customer support about this.

  • Hi kamal!


    Please refer to Gary's post requesting that you supply your SRID # or contact him via private message.




    // Chrissy

  • kamal
    kamal Posts: 21 Observer

    Hi Chrissy,

     I have sent a message to Gary as well as customer support with the SRID and FSdiag details. I think this problem cannot be solved with the current version of Fsecure Internet Security. I can install and uninstall anyother Internet security within that 30 day trial so far no problem but only with f-secure i got installation problem. Sorry to say that.


  • Hi Kamal,


    Our support agent is still waiting for your FSDIAG log file in order to check further, can you please follow the instruction from HERE to generate the FSDIAG and send it back to our support agent by replying to the e-mail?


    Thank you.


    Best regards,


  • kamal
    kamal Posts: 21 Observer

    Hello Sir,

     I have now send an email contacting the hope that will help.



  • Blackcat
    Blackcat Posts: 503 Influencer

    I tried to solve my problems with Support over several weeks in trying to install the trial version more than once. Even deleting the relevant registry keys did not work. ( on Windows 7, 64-bit)


    Either F-Secure need to code a new uninstaller which deletes ALL registry keys or they need to allow more than 1 installation.


    I have used many security programs over the past 18 years and F-Secure is the ONLY ONE that allows only 1 install of the trial version.


    Compared to most other AV vendors the retail price of the F-Secure Home products is IMHO expensive so making sure that the demo/trial version works on a particular system is important. Allowing at least 3 installs/uninstalls would help in this respect.


    Maybe F-Secure need to state emphatically that only 1 install of the trial/demo version is possible somewhere on their support site or in the actual trial version itself.


    I would be very interested in any users here posting that they were able to install the trial version more than once.  If there is a procedure that works maybe it can be posted as a sticky on this Forum.



  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
    I wonder if it goes by the IP address that the trial has been installed on? Has anyone managed to install the same trial on two different machines under the same IP?
  • kamal
    kamal Posts: 21 Observer

    The reason why i am trying to install again is that i like f-secure and its a whole package that no AV vendors are delivering. I am trying to test my PC with some games running in background and to notice if i experience any lag.


  • Blackcat
    Blackcat Posts: 503 Influencer

    I doubt whether it is by IP address as support was emphatic that once some registry keys were deleted I would be good to go.

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
    It was just a guess. I had a not dissimilar issue some time back, when I had problems with the 2012 product. I had to uninstall and reinstall it a few times, and in that instance, using the uninstall tool created issues with a FULL licence, which had to be reset by Support. When I uninstalled simply using Add / Remove Programs in Windows, it reinstalled without any problems. Not directly relevant here, perhaps, but it does indicate that the FS Uninstall Tool certainly has an effect on the licence key.
  • kamal
    kamal Posts: 21 Observer

    Yes even the support team recommend to use the uninstallation tool instead of add/remove program.Other than that Fsecure is way ahead of other internet security softwares

  • kamal
    kamal Posts: 21 Observer

    Update : Regarding my issue of the demo not working

    After I submitted the fsdiag to the support team they managed to send me a new subscription key which is working fine.Now i have the demo installed again.

    Thanks for your effort Fsecure team .

  • Blackcat
    Blackcat Posts: 503 Influencer



    so you did not use the F-Secure uninstaller or were asked to remove any registry keys to have the demo/trial version up and running again?


    A simple license reset did the job?


    This was not an option that I was given when I had the same problem back in March;


    As suggested previously maybe this new solution can be posted as a sticky on your main web-site or here. It would have saved me a lot of time!

  • kamal
    kamal Posts: 21 Observer

    No. I have asked to use the uninstallation tool and also to remove the program files folder and also the registry.After that i have done the installation again with the default key of the demo but no success.

    After i submit the fsdiag the support team send me a Demo key which is set exclusively for my system so i update the subscription key and was able to install the demo again.But when i restarted the problem started but this time the program is not funtioning and i see the " fsecure settings and statistics " was the only task running in background.I restarted again but no luck.

    So i uninstalled and install again and try the Demo key which was given to me but it says "Trial version cannot be installed on this pc" . Ii am so confused.I think the device ID is not removed completely using the uninstallation tool thats why the demo says the trial version already installed.

    But i can wait for the support team to solve this.

    My system runs on windows 8 64 bit.


  • Blackcat
    Blackcat Posts: 503 Influencer



    sorry to hear things are not working out for you.


    Overall, IMHO Support need to look more closely at this problem as they are suggesting solutions which do not work.


    Other trialists, unlike kamal, would have given up by now and therefore potential Home users would be lost. 

  • kamal
    kamal Posts: 21 Observer

    I tried 8-10 Internet securities and F-secure is the only one which comes as a solid package which has protection at maximum.

    Posting such bugs or errors will help the support team to rectify so that this never happen in future.

  • Blackcat
    Blackcat Posts: 503 Influencer

    Have you tried the new beta;


    This should install on your machine and it is very stable.

  • kamal
    kamal Posts: 21 Observer

    Yes i have registered for using the beta 2014 but not yet given the download link. I saw the youtube video of IS 2014 its very simple and easy to use.Can wait to use

  • Hello Kamal,


    You have been accepted as Beta user, and you should shortly receive an e-mail regarding it.

  • kamal
    kamal Posts: 21 Observer

    So shall i uninstall the previous fsecure products (the one with no products installed ) with the uninstallation tool ? or i can upgrade to beta ?

    Thanks for accepting me :)

  • Blackcat
    Blackcat Posts: 503 Influencer

    I just uninstalled the 2013 IS version normally via Add/Remove, then used the F-Secure tool.


    Rebooted and then installed the beta.


    The beta also has a gaming mode!


    Good Luck.

  • kamal
    kamal Posts: 21 Observer

    2013 is also has a gaming mode :)

This discussion has been closed.