Old Firewall System

Hello, as a loyal defender fot his idea, i ask today to have an " Advanced User" firewall system option.

The old popup to warn you when a program attempt to connect to the internet is really important for me, as sometimes some well known programs can share some unwanted informations.


I'm personally concerned on my network traffic, and prefer to have full control on this. I liked so much the previous versions of F Secure as i got used to it. I feel to have lost something since the 2013 one.


So "voila", my final suggestion would have been this one. Your Firewall was the best and that was one of the reason i choosed you guys.


Sincerely. Laurent


  • Hello, i'm a french user too, and i wanted to help this guy's idea. i don't know yet if i renew my licence on f secure.

    I don't have much more to say, i agree totally with what he asks.

    Will you add some of these features ?

  • Endorsed !

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    Even an option in DeepGuard to select programs to block would be a step in the right direction.

  • Erica
    Erica Posts: 1

    Je pense que cela vaut le coup, en effet, beaucoup plus de failles voient le jour. Je pense que je ne serais pas contre un système de parefeu comparable au précedent.

    Sorry i speak not english really good, i am ok

  • Svanya
    Svanya Posts: 1

    Kudo granted !

  • TeddyS
    TeddyS Posts: 1

    I'm interested in this, this function misses so much

  • Yo ! I want that !

  • mpjohans
    mpjohans Posts: 3 New Member

    Yeah, just installed the trial version of Internet Security on my parents new computer, and immediately missed the default behaviour of asking for permission the first time any program tries to access the net. Apparently that functionality still hasn't made it back. A deal-breaker, will have to find another product. A pity, in all other respects I really like the F-Secure suite, but a comprehensive application control is a must.


    This has apparently been discussed a lot on these forums, for some time already. Really odd that F-Secure hasn't listened to their (soon former) customers in this respect.

  • mpjohans
    mpjohans Posts: 3 New Member

    For those annoyed by the crappy application control in the latest F-Secure versions, a tip after looking around for a replacement: Comodo firewall gives you those nice pop-ups whenever a new application tries to connect to the net, and then you can choose, as you used to be able to do with F-Secure, whether to allow it or not, and whether to remember your answer or not.


    To enable this behaviour in Comodo, go to Firewall Tasks / Open Advanced Settings and then after the Enable Firewall (Recommended) check box, choose Custom Ruleset from the dropdown (it defaults to Safe Mode, which lets through "known safe applications" automatically, just as irritatingly as F-Secure now; but at least this is easy to change in Comodo). That's it.

  • CLMI
    CLMI Posts: 5



    I am also disappointed by F-Secure Internet Security 2014 without a firewall bidirectional.
    I have the trial version and I think I will not buy it.

  • axle
    axle Posts: 2
    hello, well since my first post i see you all have not addressed this issue. and as now my subscription has expired .bring back application control and i will be a customer again.i think you are going to lose a lot of customers over this. which is going to be the only thing that gets results. thanks from a former customer..
  • Even though F-Secure was not a part of this commissioned study of Firewall protection concerning Public networks, it may help us to at least think twice about how, or why F-Secure is using Windows firewall.




    Windows Firewall seems very competent to secure its settings when going from a private network to public (when prompted to Select Location), better than even some of the Suites with their own firewalls.


    So with DeepGuard also bolstering Windows firewall, it is less of a concern for me. Would it be nice to have some easier on-board firewall features, yes (network traffic pop ups etc), but in knowing I'll be secure when opening my notebook in public from possible remote execution attempts or success, I'm fine with that as far as what  F-Secure has done.

  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 571 Superuser

    such a feature has been requested in the 2015 beta program, it now depends on the project chief and devs


  • Jeteroll
    Jeteroll Posts: 1

    We need a firewall other than Windows. We pay the price of an internet security suite yet one of two required features in a security suite is missing? The Windows firewall is clunky, not integrated into F-Secure, and not effective. Here is a Matousec firewall test that shows F-secure IS 2014 recieving an ABYSMAL 5% mitigation rate., obviously there is an urgent need for a new firewall.

  • For basic users (Internet browsing etc.) Windows Firewall is good enough but more advanced users definetly need more adjustments than Windows Firewall can provide what comes to opening ports and so on

    A good solution for this is a setting that adjusts between Windows Firewall and F-Secure's own firewall and the installer could recommend Windows Firewall for basic users and F-Secure Firewall for advanced users so basic users could still use this program with install and forget -tactics.

    But still I think only F-Secure Firewall is better than only Windows Firewall if there will be no adjustments.

  • Vetraci
    Vetraci Posts: 156 Adventurer

    Hi developers,


    at least add some kind of a advanced Windows firewall control option. There are some freeware tools out there but I'd like to have an "everything from one hand solution".



    • add Profiles (High to low Filtering options)
    • add a Notification Center
    • add an easy way to set some rules for programs



  • I regesistered for the sole pupose of commenting here.  

    F-secure has been getting steadily worse for the last few years, the last functional version 2011.

    Due to the removal of the firewall, and the stupifying of the software, making it much harder to use, I will be removing FSIS, and will not be renewing it for any of my customers.


    I finally gave in to the incessant nagging and tried to "upgrade" to 2015.  After many failures, I manually uninstalled "conflicting" products.  Then it finally "installed" "successfully", completely destroying my network stack and requiring hours to get my computer fully functional again.

    Being an idiot, I didn't learn my lesson, fought more hours getting it installed, the beginning of the battle even getting the lousy online only installer (unacceptable, I need to be able to install offline) to even run when launched, and more or less ending with having to run multiple uninstall tools from F-"Secure".  And now here I am, out good software, with no way to get what I paid for back, and running hiddeious and ineffective software.  Time to ook at Panda or Zone Alarm again I guess.


    Oh, and I didn't even get into the complete lack of response from support over many attempts.


    Goodbye, and good riddance.

  • mpjohans
    mpjohans Posts: 3 New Member

    In case anyone wonders, F-Secure didn't bother to fix this for the latest versions either. Just installed F-Secure SAFE on my new computer, as it was cheap. Unfortunately, cheap still means crap.

    Really, how difficult can it be to add an option for marking all applications as unsafe for connecting to the internet the first time they do it? DeepGuard has the option for "Ask my permission to make an Internet connection", but still doesn't give the users any control of what it regards as safe/known programs. Incompetent at best.

  • MrParham
    MrParham Posts: 11 New Member

    any update in this case?


    Best Regards,


  • Parham
    Parham Posts: 103 Enthusiast

    F-Secure, i seen a sentence in your Website, you claims No One knows Cyber Security better than F-Secure ! Okay then, WHY you are let Microsoft Windows handle your Firewall ?! you know better, you can do better, even if Windows Firewall is enough, but when you can do better, when you know how make it better! why you won't ?!

    the status is Comment Requested, as you find out for sure so far, almost all of your customers want to see your own Firewall F-SECURE, so i hope you show us you hear us in near future :)


  • Mysticiza
    Mysticiza Posts: 24 Explorer

    Can we please have a status update from F-Secure? The status for this post has been 'Comments requested' for 3 years now and as a paying customer I would like to know what the real deal is right now. Are we getting some seperate firewall-system in the near future or is this idea buried for now?

  • Parham
    Parham Posts: 103 Enthusiast

    Hi dear @Mysticiza


    take a look at here ( https://community.f-secure.com/t5/News-and/some-words-about-Feature-Request/td-p/92895 ), i already noticed them that Feature Request forum needs more attentions/updates.

    and seems they are working on it as @Laksh said.


    so hopefuly we'll have a change in the way that they are moderating Feature Request forum in near future.


  • Hi There, it has been a while ! I wondered if anything has changed since ? I don't dare to try the new version but i wandered a bit until now.
    See you :)

  • Upendra
    Upendra Posts: 6 Observer

    Hello, Myself Upendra from India where cyber security laws are very poor and most web sites are blocked by government. I installed F-Secure over ESET 5 days ago as per reviews  I was ready for this heavy suite for my PC but after 5 days it is not using more than 100 MB ram and very light. But I was diappointed only at one point with fierwall feature. Other security suite at internet security services provides a comprehensive firewall not windows default firewall. But I came to know that previous versions had this feature. I request you to put feature back.

  • Ermel
    Ermel Posts: 2 New Member

    Ues, that is a good idea, indeed!