Standalone ID Protection reaching End of Life
Sorry for my reply. I am only an F-Secure user.
Same problem as MikaelJ2 described. I am using F-secure nearly two decades (now: f-secure total), license ending now September 26. Platform: windows 10
So, @Rien_ne_va_plus, are you sure that your trouble is the same as MikaelJ2 described? Because how I can to understand the situation - his trouble (and general situation) is that it is not possible to install F-Secure app (TOTAL with built-in ID Monitoring, Password Vault, VPN) when system already has something from WithSecure. Or any of combination of this routine. Something like this: KB article.
Which is still not fixed and I am not sure if it is planned / could be fixed now.
However, sounds that you managed to install F-Secure TOTAL (as a part of migration from F-Secure ID Protection to F-Secure app with built-in features like AV, Browsing Protection, ID Monitoring, Password Vault and VPN). But Password Vault module is somehow not working.
I finally decided to keep f-secure without the vault on my old PC
But do you still have access to your stored passwords? I mean, do you have a backup of them. Just in case.
It is good to keep, at least, one device with 'active' installation - so access to stored entries is available. Or to export your storage on Windows device to .fsk file and then securely/safely store it somewhere.
As I think, the official migration guide (from F-Secure ID Protection to F-Secure TOTAL's Password Vault) is: Help Page ; and an extra suggestions / options for mobile devices: Online Help;
If the old app (F-Secure ID Protection) is still installed in your system, then you can try to save/export your stored data; just for not losing them. Then it will be possible to troubleshoot situation much easier (since reinstallation of F-Secure Total already is not that much dangerous).
Just to find out: in the upper right corner of the F-Secure window (where all modules are visible as in the screenshot) - are you logged in or is there a "log in" wording? If the latter - then it is like required to log in for Password vault functionality (so, to know, how to store your localstorage/data). And that's why it is gray now.
If you logged in. Then.. situation is a bit of unclear.
Hello Ukko,
thanks for your replay - you are right, I made several mistakes an I didn't understand sufficiently the post from MikaelJ2. Sorry for my silly English and the lack of understanding.
First some corrections:
- my license is ending in September 2026.
- I am already using F-secure TOTAL for quite a long time (Windows 10)
I do not succeed to install the new password vault replacing ID protection. Yes, ID protection is still on my PC, I have access. And finally I have an backup of the passwords.
I just tried the way you indicated and documented it with screenshots (in the end dead end street)
- Starting ID Protection: activate the new version!:
- Login to my F-secure: (left the ID-Protection app, arriving to browser page)
- New device : (My fsecure is open, my impression, feeling completly lost within this page, there is nearly nothing to do!)
- (I scipped one step, download): No installation, because F-secure is already installed on my PC.
- Opening my F-secure - overview: (finally an overview, a view I expected much earlier!)
- Login! —> loop and dead end street:
Screen 5: Login to the vault is not possible, but I was astonished: is seems that I was not logged in. Login, then screen 6: I could not install it on my device, because it is already there. The password vault isn't. Having more time, I will uninstall and install Total another time.
Probably, the problem is me?
Thank you very much for your response and detailed experience, @Rien_ne_va_plus ! Sorry for my delay with the reply. And also sorry for my English.
Just to clarify one thing before starting - I am also only an F-Secure user. So I apologize if I mislead at any step.
So, as I understand the situation, so far everything has gone as planned (and it’s very good that you have access to your passwords and have a backup just in case). The only real problem is with the activation of the Password Vault module (otherwise the migration would have been successful).
In your Screenshot (step6a.png), it is visible that log-in is not happened (in terms of, certain Windows profile/account is not pinned to 'logged' state of F-Secure solution).
And another Screenshot (step7.png) shows, maybe, that your current Windows account/user/profile is a secondary. I mean, perhaps, your set-up is like: Windows machine with two accounts/user-profiles:
- Main (Administrator rights), where the initial installation was performed;
- and Second (normal user rights for security measure), which you use daily.
So, F-Secure solution (and its Password Vault) is authorized for Main windows user system profile. And second (daily system user profile) is not;
There is a limitation, currently, where you can't choose 'main' twice. So, another system user account should be either child-type profile OR you need to login with another account. Looks like Password Vault has requirement for logged state.
What I would suggest is to set-up your installation as a child-type profile with no any restriction in tact. So, as in your last screenshot (step7.png) - just go further with its guide for second option. Leave disable/no limits set up for all Parental Control and basically you end up with almost identical to 'adult'-type installation in your current Windows system user account.
The difference is: ID Monitoring is not visible in child-type profiles; and you can't use "People and Devices" modules. Likely both things are available in My F-Secure portal.
VPN, AV and BP, Password Vault is available for child-type F-Secure installation.
Could you try it? // Basically, I do use child profile in my system for myself - because I do like content filtering feature.
Just to understand - if Password Vault module will be active then.
Hello Ukko,
my problem seems to be solved. I finally uninstalled f-secure total and all parts of it, And then I started a complete new installation.
It worked without problems, the password vault is activated now. Just one drop of bitterness: I was absolutly sure to have a backup file of the old app's entries - couldn't find it.
Best regards and thanks for yout attention and help!