'Every FOUR weeks' Scheduled Scan _incorrectly_ schedules & runs every 7 days, every week. WHY?

F-User9 Posts: 17 Enthusiast

F-Secure Version 19.3

Under Settings > Scanning Setings > Scheduled Scanning, the program does not function correctly;

Specificially, the setting 'Perform Scan: Every FOUR week' does NOT schedule correctly:

instead, it sets a scheduled date of 1 week (7 days) in future, instead of 4 weeks, every time… and scans indeed happen every 7 days instead of every 4 weeks; this is INCORRECT BEHAVIOR by F-Secure.

i.e., the setting schoices

Peform Scan: Every week
Perform Scan: Every FOUR weeks do exactly the same thing — which is NOT correct!

I have verified this after over 2 months of testing; the 'every four weeks' scan keeps happening every 7 days, (3 weeks too soon, every time!)

Toggling the setting to various other settings, or on/off, and then back to 'every four weeks' does NOT fix the problem; 'every 4 week scan' still INCORRECTLY schedules weekly and occurs weekly.

Is this a known bug? Is there any way to make the program adhere to the proper settings?

(For now, I've had to disable the scheduled scans, as they do not respect the settings and do not behave correctly).

Accepted Answer

  • JOnes
    JOnes Posts: 462 Rock Star
    Answer ✓

    Set the day of the week to the same as the current day, i.e. Saturday (6.4) and schedule the scan four weeks later and "refresh" the settings. The next scan will be updated to take place on May 4.5 2024. Undoubtedly, the logic in the setting is special from the ordinary consumer's point of view. The software development team may still consider the usability of that setting in the future.


  • F-User9
    F-User9 Posts: 17 Enthusiast

    Thanks, JOnes!

    I had to twiddle with both the ''On Selected Day' -and- 'Start Time' settings over and over —

    for my version, the secret seems to be setting the same day of week as the current actual day,
    and changing the Start Time to be several hours different than the current clock time, or at least 1 hour earlier than current clock time.

    With a lot of tries, it finally seems to work (date of next scheduled 4 week scan is now correct). I wouldn't have figured it out without your help!

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