F-secure total password manager has bug, lost passwords for many accounts, version 19.2, on win11

late101530 Posts: 17 Explorer
edited July 2024 in Device Protection

When I'm using F secure total on both win11 laptop and win 10 desktop pc.

I'm having problems after updated F-secure total into version 19.2 on win11 laptop

1.) im signed in to wifi and internet on both laptop(win11) and pc (win10)

2.) im signed into same password vault

3.) both computers has f-secure total program

4.) pc win10, has F-secure total version 19.1

5.) laptop win11, has F-secure total version 19.2

6.) several of my passwords fields from several account entries got deleted from the laptop version of the password vault, but they are retained and correct in pc version of the vault

7.) several of my "notes" fields from several account entries got deleted from the laptop version of password vault, but they are retained and correct in pc version of the vault

8.) pc win10 F-secure version 19.1 is working ( I can login to google email

9.) I cannot login from laptop to same account because the goddam password is deleted from there?!?!

Accepted Answer

  • Firmy
    Firmy Posts: 2,060 Community Manager
    Answer ✓

    Hello @late101530 @bste @3W3mR23d24

    We appreciate your valuable feedback regarding this issue.

    After investigation, it appears that the passwords are indeed synced to F-Secure Total on the PC, indicating that they are not lost. The challenge lies in the F-Secure Total PC UI, which, for some reason, is unable to retrieve and display the passwords correctly.

    The identified bug is specifically related to password entries with a history. As a current workaround, as successfully tested by @bste, deleting the problematic entries on the phone seems to resolve the issue.

    Rest assured, we are actively working on resolving this matter. As updates become available, we will keep you informed.

    Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Have a great day.

    Community Manager | F-Secure Community
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  • late101530
    late101530 Posts: 17 Explorer

    laptop winver is as follows:


    23H2 22631.2506

    pc winver is as follows:


    22H2 19045.3570

  • late101530
    late101530 Posts: 17 Explorer

    It is difficult to trust the software after this...

  • late101530
    late101530 Posts: 17 Explorer

    restarting laptop didnt fix the issue on the laptop

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser


    Sounds extremely strange.

    I am only an F-Secure user, but some suggestions there:

    • maybe it is a good idea to 'export' your passwords from perfect Windows 10 unit. So, to keep all things as you wish them to be. Just in case, if this client will receive update too and something happened afterwards. Exporting Password Vault data | Total | Latest | F-Secure User Guides (<- there is a guide to do so).
    • then, could you try to check and verify that both devices are still 'synced'. For example, to create a completely fresh entry in Windows 10 and see it in Windows 11 machine?
    • can you try to export your passwords/entries in Windows 11 machine and manually check what is inside .fsk-file. Does 'missed' parts are visible there?
    • could you notice any 'connection' between all trouble entries / notes - which are visible in PC and not visible (exist?) in laptop?


    In any case, surely F-Secure Community Managers will help you with a bit more technical assistance about this subject. But you still can try suggestions - just to gather a bit more information about and its sides. // Sorry for my English!

  • late101530
    late101530 Posts: 17 Explorer

    tried that trick of exporting from the bad case, the laptop 19.2 F-secure version

    the passwords exist in the exporrted cleartext, but they dont get shown in the UI when accessed the vault on laptop. Same is case for the "notes" field data.

  • late101530
    late101530 Posts: 17 Explorer

    added dummy account from my phone into the same vault.

    dummy account did not get synced to the laptop vault version

  • late101530
    late101530 Posts: 17 Explorer

    I tried the tricks suggested and they gave some indication about what could be wrong, so thanks for that. but i will vote to reject answer since issue still is unfixed.

  • late101530
    late101530 Posts: 17 Explorer

    I did further testing on the win11 bad case laptop.


    1.) I logged out from the win11 f -secure total account and relogged in

    2.) I saw that the newly created account I made from another device into this vault earlier -> that account got synced to this laptop

    3.) however the problem of invisible password and notes field still remained in the laptop win11 UI for some account cases. so we can conclude the vault is syncing but still not showing proper password and notes fields for all accounts

  • Firmy
    Firmy Posts: 2,060 Community Manager

    Hello @late101530

    Thank you for your post comments.

    3.) however the problem of invisible password and notes field still remained in the laptop win11 UI for some account cases. so we can conclude the vault is syncing but still not showing proper password and notes fields for all accounts

    Could you provide more details about what you mean by the passwords and notes not showing properly? If they appear hidden, try clicking on the eye icon to make them visible.

    Additionally, could you confirm whether the passwords and notes contain ANSI characters?

    Regarding syncing issues, it's possible that syncing from two devices might be causing the problem. For smoother synchronization, I recommend connecting devices from your PC to your laptop only. If you make any changes on either device, the password vault will be updated on both machines.

    Feel free to reach out if you have any more questions or need further assistance. Have a wonderful day.

    Community Manager | F-Secure Community
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  • late101530
    late101530 Posts: 17 Explorer

    on the laptop version it looked like the same amazon account did not show that a password field even exist on the UI, and same thing for the notes field. there does not exist eye icon because the whole password field dont exist on laptop UI. So basically the laptop version only shows these fields for this amazon account: username field, and webadress field.

    on the pc version it looked correct on the same amazon account that there DOES exist the password field (with password copy paste functionality that works), and the notes field. The pc version shows the correct fields for this amazon account: username field, password field, webadress field, and notes field.

    I can say that the password and notes fields contain lower and upper letters, special characters and numbers, same is the case for notes field in this amazon account that I have in the vault. I would not reveal more in this public forum.

  • late101530
    late101530 Posts: 17 Explorer

    I think it is safe for me to to post picture of the bad case situation on laptop vault, because it does not work in this case anyways. I censored out some sensitive accounts details myself just to be sure.

  • Firmy
    Firmy Posts: 2,060 Community Manager

    Hello @late101530

    Thank you for your reply.

    I recommend syncing the password again from your PC to your laptop to ensure the accuracy of the synchronization. You can follow the steps outlined in this guide for assistance: Connecting devices to sync your Password Vault data across all your devices | Total | Latest | F-Secure User Guides

    If the issue persists, we kindly suggest uninstalling and reinstalling F-Secure Total on your laptop. Please use our Uninstallation tool to ensure the removal of user data. Afterward, reinstall the application and proceed to sync the Password Vault.

    Please keep me posted on the outcome.

    Thank you for your cooperation, and I wish you a pleasant day.

    Community Manager | F-Secure Community
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  • late101530
    late101530 Posts: 17 Explorer

    I followed both approaches

    A) synced from laptop to the PC's sync code of the vault

    -> did not solve problem with missing password and notes field of amazon account

    B) uninstalled with uninstall tool, and reinstalled F-Secure total on laptop, and synced to the PC's vault sync code

    -> did not solve the problem with missing password and notes field of amazon account

  • late101530
    late101530 Posts: 17 Explorer

    can it be some win11 based issue, because it was working on my win10 PC. I would still like to use the F-Secure Total password app on my win11 laptop though.

  • Firmy
    Firmy Posts: 2,060 Community Manager

    Hello @late101530

    Thank you for your reply.

    B) uninstalled with uninstall tool, and reinstalled F-Secure total on laptop, and synced to the PC's vault sync code

    -> did not solve the problem with missing password and notes field of amazon account

    Regarding the reinstallation, could you confirm whether you encountered options to either create a new master password or connect devices to access the Password Vault? If so, which option did you choose?

    Additionally, I've sent you a private message. Could you please share screenshots from both your PC and laptop illustrating how the entry is supposed to look? This will assist us in better understanding the situation.

    In the event that you make changes on the PC, are they reflected on the laptop and vice versa? Could you verify that the network connection on both devices is operational? Are both devices connected to the same network, and is the VPN turned on?

    To further investigate this issue, we may need to gather FSDIAG from your laptop. However, we'd like to collect all relevant information first.

    We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to resolving this matter.

    Thank you.

    Community Manager | F-Secure Community
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  • MSLo
    MSLo Posts: 1 Observer

    I have same issue with Password Vault.

    I'm using a Win11Pro on a laptop, and some of the saved entries are not showing the password on the UI of the program. Some entries show only username and thats it.

    This issue has risen after updating to latest version 19.2.

    Vault is syncing just fine, new passwords seem to appear as usual.

    Android version shows all data as usual.

  • 3W3mR23d24
    3W3mR23d24 Posts: 3 Observer

    Same issue here. Symptoms:

    • Operating system:
    • Version: 22H2
    • OS build: 22621.2715
    • Experience: Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22677.1000.0
    • Edition: Windows 11 Pro
    • In sync with my mobile devices/other laptops
    • If I use "Password manager by F-secure" browser extension, password is filled ok
    • If I open same entry in your F-Secure, Password Vault (Windows 11 app) then password field does not appear at all.
    • Problem appeared ~couple of weeks ago.
    • F-Secure version is 19.2.

    I'd say this is a software bug. Haven't seen this kind of behavior's during last 4 years with your products.

    Might be limited to certain Windows 11 version, but a bug anyway.

  • Firmy
    Firmy Posts: 2,060 Community Manager

    Hello @late101530 @MSLo @3W3mR23d24

    Thank you for all the comments.

    We have sent you a private message. To assist you further and address this issue, we kindly ask for some additional details. Your cooperation in providing the necessary information is greatly appreciated.

    Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out.

    Thank you, and have a good day.

    Community Manager | F-Secure Community
    🔐 Strengthening digital security through knowledge and collaboration
    🌐 Explore our User Guides | Knowledge Base for self-help resources
    💻 Empower yourself with Cybersecurity Insights and protect what matters

  • late101530
    late101530 Posts: 17 Explorer
    edited December 2023

    sent updated infos from my own case to Firmy on privat message.

    in my own situation now. even the win10 has been degradign a bit with regard to missing password field / not showing it. to be more precise this now happens my win10 amazon account (notes and password field). and it also happens with win11 with that same amazon account.

    Only device with the working vault infos is my android phone with ID Protection app. it works with the amazon account from the phone.

    sent screenshots of win10 and win11 and android phone.

    sent fsdiag from win10 and win11

  • late101530
    late101530 Posts: 17 Explorer
    edited December 2023

    android phone version infos ID Protection from myself:

    version: idp/6.4.952

    OS version: 13

    device model: samsung SM-G996B

    last sync: 2023-12-16T12:46:08Z

    sending anonymous data to help in developing product - switched on

    I dont know if the other infos are safe to share.

  • bste
    bste Posts: 4 Observer

    Using F-Secure Total I was also experiencing missing password fields on Windows 11.

    I noticed the notes that had missing password field on Windows 11 had a password history on Samsung phone. And if I erased that password history on Samsung phone, then the password field on Windows 11 magically appeared.

    That solved it, but this is clearly bug.

  • 3W3mR23d24
    3W3mR23d24 Posts: 3 Observer

    @bste Well discovered! Removing password history from the mobile app makes the password appear again in Windows 11 application too 😁 Thanks a lot! I've been struggling with support to get them to believe this is an issue...

This discussion has been closed.