App update before June 1st

Owlbeardo Posts: 5 Explorer

Hi, my FSP declared that it needs an update because current version will stop working on June 1st, but I wasn't able to find any links to update it. Currently using both Android and Windows version and very happy with the performance, would love to keep it. Could you point me in the direction of the update?


Accepted Answer

  • Firmy
    Firmy Posts: 2,021 Community Manager
    edited May 2023 Answer ✓

    Hello @Owlbeardo @Ukko

    Thank you so much for reaching out and bringing this issue to our attention.

    @Owlbeardo The product you are using is F-Secure Protection which is our beta product. For more information, you may refer the links below:

    @Owlbeardo @Ukko I kindly request you to give it a try by rebooting your device and see if the message is still visible. With a reboot, we hope to resolve the matter and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience it may have caused you.

    If the issue continues to persist, please don't hesitate to inform us. We are here to assist you in any way we can.

    Once again, thank you for your patience and understanding. Have a wonderful day!

    Community Manager | F-Secure Community
    🔐 Strengthening digital security through knowledge and collaboration
    🌐 Explore our User Guides | Knowledge Base for self-help resources
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  • Owlbeardo
    Owlbeardo Posts: 5 Explorer

    I'm also not sure if I left this post in the right directory, not sure which my product is.

  • Owlbeardo
    Owlbeardo Posts: 5 Explorer
    edited May 2023

    Hi, I created another post, but nobody answered, so I'm writing a double here.

    My FS Protection runs in an insider shared license and says "update the app, support ends on June 1st" but I for the life of me can't find where do I update the app for Android. Please, can anyone give me a link or an instruction on how to update? Searching for an an answer here is frustratingly hard since it's 2 main languages, 2 branches of products with lots of sub-products :(

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,795 Superuser


    my Android 9 and Android 12 devices are also about this declaration.

    I, also, cannot find any further information about. "More.."-button is the main domain (based on my tries). Child profile installation with additional suggestion "if you don't know what to do - show this notification to your parents" :).

    Also, started from related 'timestamp'. So, I feel that either there will be any announcement about something or this is a bug.

    For example, this app is discounted and should be replaced by another. Or application is not available for certain users (or testing an option to add 'mobile' support to your subscription).

    Probably, it is better to wait (for today) - and if no any clarity then, to create a bug report.


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,795 Superuser
    edited May 2023

    Just as an addition to your first topic:

     Please, can anyone give me a link or an instruction on how to update? 

    perhaps, it is not available yet.

    but if so - more sounds as a bug or a very selected dropping support.

  • Owlbeardo
    Owlbeardo Posts: 5 Explorer
    edited May 2023

    Well, I really hope there's anything there, that I simply wasn't able to find. My license is viable till October 11 2026th and I really like the app. I hope there's some news regarding that soon.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,795 Superuser


    I kindly request you to give it a try by rebooting your device and see if the message is still visible. With a reboot, we hope to resolve the matter and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience it may have caused you.

    Tried just now and reboot was helpful with Android 12. No longer any statements about "App update before June 1st " or similar.

    At the morning - I, also, found that Android 9 was no longer about this statement. However, I did not manage to understand or find 'when and how' it happened. I tried to perform related steps with Android 12 device (which I thought performed with another device) - but the message was still visible. I think it is likely that I rebooted Android 9 quite recently, but did not try to do so with Android 12. And after trying now - message is no longer visible with Android 12 too.

    Just as a feedback about past experience - since this declaration added to first device - I tried rebooting device and some other steps and it was not a fix. Today it was a solution.


  • Owlbeardo
    Owlbeardo Posts: 5 Explorer

    Thank you very much, the problem seems to be resolved for now. No more message. Grateful for your help @Ukko and @Firmy !