How to toggle F-secure VPN on/off in one click?

slehnertdk Posts: 4 Explorer
edited October 2023 in Privacy VPN

Should I wish to enable/disable VPN in previous Freedome versions, a "Right-click" on Freedome icon was an option previously.

In the recently merged "all-in-one" F-secure application, this is no longer a possibility.

First I will have to open the F-secure application, then I will have to open the VPN "module" to disable and enable the feature.

How can this be avoided?

Accepted Answer

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser
    Answer ✓


    I am also only an F-Secure user.

    Not an answer, but a discussion.

    then I will have to open the VPN "module" to disable and enable the feature.

    How can this be avoided?

    To use "always ON" (I mean, 'Automatic VPN protection' - reference there: Turning on the VPN connection | Total | Latest | F-Secure User Guides) :)

    If this is not an option (obviously - not; for example, I do not like that way):

    If 'chosen before' location is good enough - you can just click 'Turn on' on the "module"-card without need to go inside. For turning it off - indeed, there is a need to open the module view and switch the toggle off.

    Some improvements (or helpful items for a workaround) can be with future releases.

    But, yet, you can vote this feature request:

    // just interesting; do you often turning on and turning off VPN connection? What is the main need to disable it? For using a certain application or a certain website?

    Because, for example, if you have to turn ON / turn OFF Privacy VPN with its current routine - just once a day - it is not really that 'annoying'. Maybe, compared to any other modern software - it is an old school - but.. I feel that if it is so - F-Secure will make some functionality for a more 'easy and fast' control options. Sooner or later.


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