Hittar ingen produktnyckel. Finns inte med i bekräftelsen. Har tittat även i skärpposten
Var finner jag min produktnyckel. Har betalat via mastercard idag men har inte fått någon produktnyckel i samband med bekräftelsen.
Accepted Answer
Hi @LND_50
Thank you for reaching out to F-Secure Community.
Currently, we only have English and Finnish support on our Community page.
I can see that you have upgraded from F-Secure Internet Security to F-Secure Total. The new F-Secure Total subscription will not give you any subscription code because the subscription is tight to your email address. I have checked and I can see that you have activated the F-Secure Total subscription on the My F-Secure portal. Here I share some information regarding your new subscription:
To start using the F-Secure Total, the first thing you need to uninstall the existing F-Secure Internet Security program on your computer. You can refer to the steps below on how to uninstall the F-Secure product:
After you uninstall the F-Secure Internet Security, you can follow the steps below on how to install the F-Secure Total on your device:
Installing the product on your computer
You can refer to some articles on the below link with regards to the new F-Secure Total subscription that you have purchased:
Let me know if you have any inquiries regarding your new F-Secure Total subscription.