Hello, Free tool to scan breached data on web/dark web shows my Sensitive data ( such as e-mails and passwords ) are breached February 2023 , Raccoon Stealer Breach.
Other than F-Secure ID Theft Checker, No free or Paid compromised data checker shows no information about this.
I'd like to learn more about this. How F-Secure found this information, where can I see what portion of my credientials are breached.
This is urgent and important for me.
Please don't tell me to change all passwords, I know it.
Accepted Answer
Hi @breachinfo
Thank you for reaching out to F-Secure Community.
Here I share with you some information on how we monitor for data breaches and the privacy policy with regards to the breach information:
How we monitor for data breaches
F‑Secure ID PROTECTION privacy policy
NOTE: Check the Breach section of the policy and hit the "third-party provider" to contact our provider for more data regarding the breach.
Thank you.