No internet when starting the computer.

MMike Posts: 6 Explorer
edited June 2023 in Privacy VPN

Hello to You all!

Ther is no internet when starting the computer. After closing Freedom, the computer is connected to the internet and stays connected after starting Freedom again. This problem exists since an update of Windows 11 professional. Does there exist a solution?

I would appreciate a solving answer.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of You

With regards


Accepted Answer


  • Firmy
    Firmy Posts: 2,060 Community Manager

    Hi @MMike

    Thank you for your post.

    Ther is no internet when starting the computer. After closing Freedom, the computer is connected to the internet and stays connected after starting Freedom again.

    May I confirm that you must turn off FREEDOME first to allow your computer to connect to the network and then turn on FREEDOME again?

    Did you select to automatically run FREEDOME after your computer is turned on? If yes, have you tried un-selecting the option and turning on FREEDOME manually after starting your machine?

    You also may check this link with the option to turn on the VPN automatically after starting your machine Network connection issue with Windows 10 when FREEDOME VPN is turned on | FREEDOME | Latest | F-Secure User Guides

    Kindly let me know if this helps.

    Thank you and have a good day.

    Community Manager | F-Secure Community
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  • MMike
    MMike Posts: 6 Explorer

    Hi, and happy New Year!

    No, the advices didn't chanche the Freedome-behavior, when starting the computer. Everything works fine after the procedure to close Freedome, wating for some moments and starting Freedome again.

    I suppose, the problem is, that Freedome starts before the internet-connection is established. But I don't know, how to change the sequence of starting programs.

    Ther was no such problem before. It started after an update (I suppose of Win 11)!

    With best regards


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