F-Secure SAFE expiry date not update

Accepted Answer
Hi @Homrig
Thank you for your post.
If you have renewed F-Secure SAFE/TOTAL and the date in your My F-Secure account has been updated according to your renewal, but your F-Secure SAFE program shows the old expiry date and rebooting your computer does not help, try logging out and back in on F-Secure SAFE:
- Open F-Secure SAFE on your computer
- Click the icon of a person on top right corner
- Select Log out
- Select Continue
- Select Yes when asking "Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device"
- Select Log out
- Click Log in arrow icon on top right corner of F-Secure SAFE
- Enter your My F-Secure email and password
- Select Continue if you are setting protection for yourself
If you cannot log out from F-Secure SAFE, you can fix the issue by reinstalling F-Secure SAFE on your computer.
Kindly let me know if this helps.
Thank you and stay safe.
Community Manager | F-Secure Community
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Thank you for your quick answer,
During the weekend I tried several ways (without reinstalling), but the problem was not solved. On Monday I checked it again and it seems to be ok by then. But I can't tell you exactly how I did it.
I have an other computer which is seldom used and try your instructions if nesscessary.
Thank you