import from bitwarden

Accepted Answer
Bitwarden could be manually edited and exported in json (encrypted or cleartext) and CSV (cleartext) but with some technical skills required. There's no way to do a bulk import from Bitwarden to ID Protection. If the Bitwarden CSV can be manually edited, then that trick can be used to import but you need to be technically oriented to be able to do this. Here's the shell script below which seems to convert Bitwarden's export CSV into Edge format which IDP recognizes;
(echo "name,url,username,password"; cut -d, -f 4,8,9,10 < bitwarden_export.csv | grep , | tail +2) > bitwarden_export_as_edge.csv # in case anyone else needs
Hi @ataru
Sincere apologies for the late response.
We don't have support for importing from Bitwarden format. F-Secure ID Protection can read a number of csv formats (Chrome/Edge/KeepassX/Lastpass/dashlane), so if the Bitwarden csv can be manually edited, I can pass you the shell script to convert the Bitwarden's exported csv into Edge format which IDP recognizes.
"Technically oriented" didn't really specify what is actually needed in order to do this. I can help, in case any other Windows user needs to do this. This isn't a super detailed list and some nuances you need to figure out, but mostly this is what you need to do:
- Enable Windows PoweShell.
- Enable Windows Developer Features
- Use Power Shell to enable Windows Linux Subsystem
- Install WSL from MS Store, search for the support article if needed, I used the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15
- Save the script (I modified it with the -n) into an .sh file: (echo "name,url,username,password"; cut -d, -f 4,8,9,10 < bitwarden_export.csv | grep , | tail -n +2) > bitwarden_export_as_edge.csv
- Use the Linux shell to run your script file with Bash-command: bash ./
- I think that was it. I was doing this in the middle of the night dead tired so I might have left something out. Let us know how you do, if you try this!