Wrong master password

System Posts: 151 Enthusiast
edited November 2021 in Password Vault
This discussion was created from comments split from: Error Assertion failed since last update March 2021.

Accepted Answer

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    Answer ✓

    Dear @gottfriedoberreiter,

    If ID PROTECTION is asking for an existing master password, instead of letting you create a new master password, it means that there is already an existing ID PROTECTION user data for the current Windows user. The old user data needs to be deleted before you can create a new master password. 

    Follow these steps on Windows computer:

    1. Exit F-Secure ID PROTECTION 
    2. Delete the following file: C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Local\F-Secure\NS\idp\IDP\storage.json
    3. Open F-Secure ID PROTECTION

    It should now ask you to login with your My F-Secure user credentials. After logging in, give a name to this device and then create a new master password. 

    If you need to release licenses from previous installations of the product, you can do that from your My F-Secure account:

    1. Log in to the My F-Secure portal 
    2. Click TOTAL apps and select Manage ID PROTECTION
    3. Click Release license on the right side of the license you want to release

    On Mac computer

    1. Open a Terminal:
      1. Open the Applications folder
      2. Open the Utilities folder
      3. Double-click Terminal
    2. Use the Terminal to run the following two commands:
      • rm -r "/Applications/F-Secure ID PROTECTION.app" (This removes the app from your computer.)
      • rm -r ~/Library/Application\ Support/F-Secure/Pwmgr (This removes the local storage from your computer.)

    You have now removed the app and its data from your computer and you can now install a fresh F-Secure ID PROTECTION again. Alternately, if you have ID PROTECTION already in use on some other device, you can sync the devices.


  • gottfriedoberreiter
    gottfriedoberreiter Posts: 2 Observer

    Nach neu aufsetzen des PC kann ich ID Prodect und Kay nicht mehr installieren da ich zwar genügend freie Lizenzen habe aber immer die Masterpasswort Abfrage kommt, die ich nicht mehr weis und um Lizenzen dazuzukaufen. Auf meinen drei Smartfon funktioniert es einwandfrei aber diese Masterpasswörter kann ich nicht verwenden da die Fehlmeldung falsches Masterpasswort kommt

  • gottfriedoberreiter
    gottfriedoberreiter Posts: 2 Observer

    Danke für diesen Hinweis funktioniert einwandfrei

    Mit freundlichem Gruß Gottfried Oberreiter

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited May 2021

    Dear @gottfriedoberreiter

    Ich bin froh, dass es jetzt gut funktioniert!

    I'm glad, that you've managed to sort this out!


  • ErikGeurtjens
    ErikGeurtjens Posts: 7 New Member

    Hello Lucas,

    I have tried your solution. It works partially. 

    I can install F-secure key. If I then create a new master password, I don't get an assertion error anymore, and the program works fine. I can create new passwords, search etc. 

    However, if I then perform a synchronization, I again get the message "assertion failed", unfortunately. 

    So it has to do with the cloud synchronisation. 


    Erik Geurtjens

  • Hey @ErikGeurtjens,

    So the 'Assertion Failed' error occurs only when you try to synchronize KEY?

This discussion has been closed.