FS Protection PC 18.0 releases

Release 18.0 beta 1 (4.50.1511):
New features:
- New Main UI:
- Main UI is done with .NET technology and only consumes resources when open.
- Action Center ("Messages") component is merged into Main UI. There is no longer the option to view messages in tray icon.
- Main UI has tasks for the user to solve and if an important task is added, the main UI opens automatically. User can also dismiss some tasks if they feel that they are not important.
- Recent events are shown in Main UI. They change based on the subview you are on, e.g. Virus Protection view shows recent events related to it.
- Full support for high resolutions, resizing, accessibility features.
- When time limit has been reached the user will be locked out of the session after 60 seconds.
- New Time Limits lock UI:
- Time Limits lock UI is done with .NET technology.
Fixed issues:
- Scheduled scanning time does not take effect if changed and then Settings immediately closed (PBL-7231)
Known issues with the new Main UI:
- Event details do not open from the "Recent events" list (PBL-7533)
- Help has not been updated to cover the new Main UI
- New Main UI:
Thanks for the release! :)
I found this New Wave of F-Secure mainย UI interesting. Maybe even with great potential (for its visual part).
However,ย clouds are more like "sky mountains" or "space hills" :)ย
But some concerns to ask:
- maybe it is not pinned to this release (and pinnedย for some of theย previous ones) - Recent Events were with theย design when Scan report (and some other things, like upgrade note) opened from itsย screen list as a "built-in" window. And, for example, from theย rest of places under the default browser (at least, with my experience). On current minute - scan report or any event (with such possibility) will be opened under default browser from Recent Events window. Is it should be? And this "built-in" screen/window is dropped or so.
- why is the Main UI main screen with two(?) recent events, but sometimes with three? Is it matter of lines? But, for example, I encountered switching between three/two even without adding another events over the top. Also, at least, whenย there were (or are) three entries -ย I was able toย feel aย clumsy way around this brief view of the recent events. For example, the first entryย with no border during 'hover', the two next with border on hover. click on third - blue area for first, and so on. With some variety on steps/view.
Ticket number : 03638557
I was promised many many weeks ago by a junior F-Secure representative, that specific issue would be added within 1 week with a solution to the Beta version. I have not seen or heard a single Beep. Please confirm! That is still a very serious working bug and should been fixed a long time ago.
Hi @Ukko
The internal browser for showing scan report has been removed. Default browser will be used to show all HTML content pages, like scan report.
The amount of events changes based on how many fit to the screen. If you resize to have more space, more events will be added. Events are also context sensitive, so "Viruses and Threats" page show events related to it only. As for the rest of the issues, those are visual bugs and will be fixed later.
(F-Secure R&D)
F-Secure R&D, Desktop products
Hi @upnorthSE
I have to give some background on how we work. There are 2 teams, one is working on the scanning logic & engines ("Ultralight"), one is working on rest of the product. I represent the latter team. Beta updates are announced for product updates only and we only track issues reported for product part. If there are fixes in the Ultralight part, they will be released on completely independent release cycle with no announcement at all. I can't confirm if this is fixed or not, but in general, beta releases may get delayed for various reasons.
(F-Secure R&D)
F-Secure R&D, Desktop products
Thanks Ville for the reply.
I elevated and requested the ticket re-opened today and was promised the Malware team would reach out and help me. I deeply hope they do, but I do recommend you still take a peek at that ticket as I been adding pretty extensive and thorough material that shows and highlight the issue.
With this new upcoming version, can you please help and add a bit screenshots for us that don't have the version installed?
The new interface is different - interesting. Wait and see how it feels.
The update was smooth as always.
Just wondering again...
Does the software automatically detect which browsers are installed and suggest the browsing protection extension to be installed if it finds that it is not installed?
To me it suggested installing the extension to Edge which I normally do not use and which is not the default browser.
Release 18.0 beta 2 (4.50.1819):
Fixed issues:
- Upgrade from 17.9 loops waiting for the restart (PBL-7564)
- Language code resets in upgrade (PBL-7443)
- Cancelled Add time window remains on Desktop after log in (PBL-7542)
- After upgrade from 17.8 some scanning events in Event History have greyed out "View report" link (PBL-7435)
- Links on Viruses and Threats view not working (PBL-7615, SAFE_BUG-03182)
- Main UI recent events show inconsistent date format (PBL-7610)
- "min" texts on Time Limits extend dialog not localizedย (PBL-7628, SAFE_BUG-03192)
- Main ui: remained today time does not update instantly (PBL-7482)
- Extension enabled but main UI does not reflect on the change (PBL-7578)
- main ui: in the side menu, the user name is cut when it's very longย (PBL-7608)
- Chrome extension wrongly reported as enabled (PBL-7616)
- Scheduled Scan start time at PM saved as AM with 12h clock (PBL-7439)
- Sometimes when hovering entries under menu - tooltip is visible with 'placeholder' of localization (PBL-7622, SAFE_BUG-03186)
F-Secure R&D, Desktop products
I'm posting this info in this thread, as you may not have noticed the incident announcement in another thread. If you also have FS ID Guardian installed, its recent beta update 14 may have uninstalled FS Protection from your system, and this may have gone unnoticed by you. So you may want to verify that FS Protection is still installed, and reinstall it if it has gone missing. More info at https://community.f-secure.com/en/discussion/123481/fs-id-guardian-pc-5-0-beta-14-upgrade-removed-fs-protection#latest. We apologise for this incident.
This is an update to a recent comment I made on Dec 22. I meant I like how the green goes around the box for the "Banking Protection" when that's activated. & then it goes away when you end it. I think that's pretty cool.
I have used other anti-virus programs through the years. They never really seemed to protect my computer though. It seemed I'd always get a virus, trojan or something at some point. Something would slip though. And I wouldn't even know it until my computer started acting really weird. Which then I'd run the anti-virus & it would come up with something that got through. But the damage was pretty much already done then. I hated that & didn't have much faith in antivirus programs because of that.
When I found out about the F-Secure anti-virus beta program & everything it said it would do, I was excited but also skeptical. I'm really glad its calmed my skepticism.
Since I started using F-Secure beta program I have felt that my computer is actually protected. As soon as a virus or trojan or something tries to attack my computer, F-Secure is right there blocking it. & it gives me a notification right away.
I try not to go on to sketchy sites. But some times its hard to know. With F-Secure, it will give you a warning not to enter that site & I really like that.
The F-Secure program is easy to install & easy to use. Its very user friendly. I also really like the "Banking Protection". I feel a lot better knowing there's another level of protection when accessing my banking details. I just wish it would work for all purchases online, although I'm sure that's probably really difficult to do. But maybe in time.
I also like that any time you have an issue or need help here(with F-Secure products) someone is always there to help you, pretty quick too. Its not like they are doing it because they "have" to. They make you feel like they really "want" to help you. & I love that.
I have been using the F-Secure program for a few years now. & it keeps getting better & better. I just really, REALLY like the F-Secure program. For the first time I actually feel like my computer is being protected. Not to mention you can reach out to them any time for help or answers to questions, etc. Just having that sense of that all around protection makes me feel SOOO much better & protected being online. & I really like being a part of the beta program/community here. I like helping people in general. So I guess its only natural to want to help makes something thats already a winner(F-Secure) even better.
Thank you to ALL of the F-Secure team & everyone here! Wishing you a Very Happy, Healthy & Protected New Year, 2021!
@DeclanA7X , we have discussed the Dark mode support for the UI here but currently there are no plans for this. It's not trivial to do and there have not been many requests for it.
Release 18.0 beta 3 (4.50.2813):
Fixed issues:
- "Add time" window does not disappear after reconnecting to the machine (PBL-7667)
- Main UI: events have different visual indentation depending on the amount of digits in the date (PBL-7646)
- Recent events list items should truncate long text (PBL-7655)
- SAFE_BUG-03185: Main UI: Don't show the "All is OK card" (PBL-7621)
- Main UI: when hovering over the the Family Rules card, the mouse cursor does not change (PBL-7690)
- Browsing & Banking feature card: Stop nagging when Browsing Protection is disabled (PBL-71058)
- Main UI: only one event is shown when the window is maximized (PBL-7367)
- Remove "OAS off", "DB Old/very old" and "Malfunction" flyers because a smart tasks exists for these conditions (PBL-7731)
- Main UI: Subscription view counters are hard to read (PBL-7732)
- Running 2 system scans at the same time produces misleading results (PBL-7741, SAFE_BUG-03224)
- Chinese/Japanese font rendering issues (PBL-7586, SAFE_BUG-03101, SAFE_BUG-03175)
Release 18.0 beta 4 (4.50.3488):
New features:
- Tasks view in main UI
- People & Devices view in main UI
- Family rules is hidden for adult users
Fixed issues:
- Tooltip is visible with 'placeholder' of localization when hover over side menu (PBL-7622, SAFE_BUG-03186)
- Next scheduled scan time hard to get to update(PBL-7768)
- Browser name missing from BP view (PBL-7859)
I liked the UI improvements in beta 4. And, in particular, the AV part with a change in the order of listing "tools" and composition itself. A bit more smooth.
But I also have one point to ask. After beta4, each system restart (or maybe shutdown - launch back) - fs protection tray logo (where I place it to be shown) is switched to hidden state in "^" menu. I did not check situation enough good and maybe it was coincidence each time. (if not) Is there a reason for this?