FS ID Guardian added to Home Security Beta program

We have added a new product, FS ID Guardian to our Home Security Beta program. FS ID Guardian lets you store your passwords, credit card numbers and other important information securely. You can access them on all your devices. You also have FS ID Guardian Monitoring which monitors your selected email addresses for information breaches.
This product is the same as we have in our eStore known as F-Secure ID Protection, only that you get to see the next version we have under development.
For your convenience, we have added 5 licenses to all our current fs protection beta users. You can install FS ID Guardian from My FS Protection portal, under FS ID Guardian tab view. The product supports Windows, Mac and Android operating systems.
No action is required from your part. We only ask you to report any issues you find the same way fs protection bugs are reported:
Thank you in advance,
F-Secure Beta Team
Thanks for the opportunity! :)
Sorry for the feedback. Tried some functionality about one email. Although I knew about these cases (knowing that services have been breached) and seemed to have dealt with them long ago (by changing passwords, deleting accounts - despite the fact that they were "temporary" and bogus enough). But! Finally, I found out what the leaked passwords were. What a fancy and loony passwords I tried using :D :D no wonder I didn't remember them.
Meanwhile, at that time they were quite strong (from eight to twelve num-characters. but only lower case?!) and strictly pinned to intention of service use.
Unfortunately, these are all still well-known leaks. I have a persistent feeling that in recent years there have been some pretty serious leaks for this email (by serious I mean source, but not data itself, perhaps) - which have not been covered in any way or are known to be "laid out".
Anyway, thanks for this! :)
We are pleased to announce a release of FS ID Guardian Version 5.0 Beta 7 [5.00.10268]
This update is focused on fixing various bugs.
No action is required from your part. We only ask you to report any issues you find the same way fs protection bugs are reported:
F-Secure Beta Team
We are pleased to announce a release of FS ID Guardian Version 5.0 Beta 8 [5.00.10633] for Windows OS.
This update is focused on fixing various bugs.
No action is required from your part. We only ask you to report any issues you find the same way fs protection bugs are reported:
F-Secure Beta Team
Beta 14 was cancelled due to a packaging error. More info here:
We apologize for this error. We'll release beta 15 in the beginning of the next year.
FS ID Guardian PC Release 5.0 beta 16 (5.1.1825):
Fixed issues:
- App crash when repeatedly refreshing Connect Devices page.
- App crash/onboarding loop when Windows username has non-ascii characters.
- Browser extension install button tooltip positioning.
- Improvements to data migration from old client.
FS ID Guardian PC Release 5.1 beta 1 (5.2.1883):
New features:
- Notifications and other UI improvements to make subscription length and expiration more visible.
Fixed issues:
- Tray icon quality improved.
- Vault entry list text sizing/truncation improved.
- Import from Dashlane improved.
- Autofill now works also when password entry's web address is missing http(s) prefix.
- Fixed rare crash when copying password to clipboard.
- All password entries were not correctly alphabetically sorted in the Vault list if some entries were synced from old client.
FS ID Guardian PC Release 5.1 beta 3 (5.2.2191)
(beta 2 was cancelled because of a problem found in testing phase)
Fixed issues:
- Fixes for entry data max lengths
- Fixes and improvements to subscription reminder logic
- Improved password readability in entry viewer
- Small UI improvements here and there