Banking Protection Will Not End After Banking Site Logoff 2

I see the the thread on Banking Protection Will Not End After Banking Site Logoff
is closed. Is that normal behaviour or still an issue?
I have Tp 17,9 beta 5 and this happens very often when I amd leaving
Just now I closed that without having logged in and banking protections is still on.
Currently there is a fly out at the top where I can end banking protection without having restart the browser.
I am using Firefox 81.0 portable. I wonder if that is fully supported.
Accepted Answer
Hi @martink
At the moment there is no 100% way to detect the banking session end on our side. Typically, we detect it in 2 ways: browser process exits or you navigate to bank logout site. If you just close a tab with banking session, then we will not detect it. If the session does not end automatically, you can always either end the banking session from the banner at the top of the screen or close the browser completely.
We are always looking into ways to improve the session end detection but I'm afraid it will never be 100% accurate.
F-Secure R&D, Desktop products
Thank you for your responses.
I do not have Reinstall Extensions in Settings of TP 17.9 beta 5 just Install Firefox extension.
As I am using portable Firefox and have not had regular Firefox installed the Firefox extension does not install.
Just wondering again why does it say "Install Firefox extension" while there are other browsers which have the F-S extension.
I normally sign out from banking sites and online shops before closing the tab. However, with Nordea Banking protection stays on every now and then.
So that is going to stay like that.