Problem with SONOS with "Web Traffic Scanning" ON

xnl Posts: 4 Observer


Does anyone else have an issue with SONOS, or know how to resolve it, when the "Web Traffic Scanning" option in the "Viruses and Threats" section is ON?

When it is OFF, all of SONOS works fine and I can see all services, all speakers and access mt music library, When the option is ON, the SONOS app suddenly loses sight of half the speakers, all the music services added, and my music library.

What does this setting actually do, and where do I add exceptions? And does anyone have the same issue and now what exceptions I need to add for SONOS to work when this setting is ON?


Accepted Answers


  • xnl
    xnl Posts: 4 Observer

    Thanks jkv, but where do I enter that exclusion for the "Web Traffic Scanning" setting to ignore it?

  • xnl
    xnl Posts: 4 Observer

    Thanks, all back working again for now!

  • SaitoBenkei
    SaitoBenkei Posts: 1 New Member

    Hi all

    Same issue here:

    • F-Secure Safe 17.8
    • Windows 10 2004 64bit
    • Sonos v S2 - 12.0.1

    the symptoms are the same as described by OP.

    The solution described by "jkv" also works for me.

  • Jaims
    Jaims Posts: 846 Former F-Secure Employee

    Hello @xnl

    Thank you for bringing this to our knowledge.

    Our support team is currently liaising with our research team to find a fix for this. In the interim, the only workaround is what has already been suggested.

    We will revert once there is a fix. Thanks for your patience and understanding.

  • xnl
    xnl Posts: 4 Observer

    Thank you

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