F-Secure secure banking blocking Wells Fargo

zleipner Posts: 3 Observer

Whenever I try to login to Wells Fargo, SAFE pops up and protects it as banking protection, which is great. It's not so great that it protects it so well that it won't even show the login page.


Your Internet access is blocked

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  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,789 Superuser



    You could try to use F-Secure SAS:

    • To choose """I want to give more details about this sample and to be notified of the analysis results"""
    • and then URL type as "Banking Protection related trouble"
    • and Problem type as "Site should be allowed during banking session".

    that it protects it so well that it won't even show the login page.


    So, flow is next (?) - you tried to open Wells Fargo website. Banking Protection flyer is triggered. Webpage is visible.

    Then you tried to use login page and this page is blocked (inaccessible)?

    Could you provide what is URL (if it is safe to do)?

    Perhaps, bank also can to use advanced technologies (maybe related trouble is discussed there: https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure-SAFE/Re-Can-not-connect-to-BANKID/td-p/120442).


    There was also discussion about Wells Fargo based on F-Secure Freedome software:


    Your experience is about browser with installed and active F-Secure Browsing Protection addon / extension?



  • zleipner
    zleipner Posts: 3 Observer

    Thanks for responding.

    Well, I think it's a little different than others. My web page won't even show the login page, as soon as I try to go to https://www.wellsfargo.com it shows that error message. No login page or anything.

    I could try to do the SAS thing. I don't remember installing any add-ons, but if it's part of the default installation, then I would have them.

  • zleipner
    zleipner Posts: 3 Observer

    I checked the extension and I have the 

    Browsing Protection by F-Secure
    Extension for protecting encrypted browsing with security products by F-Secure.
    However, it was not enabled. I enabled it and I can now get to Wells Fargo and log in, but now it doesn't trigger the SAFE for banking browsing.
    Btw, your English is fine!
    Thanks for trying to help, I really appreciate it.
  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,789 Superuser
    However, it was not enabled. I enabled it and I can now get to Wells Fargo and log in

    Good. :)

    but now it doesn't trigger the SAFE for banking browsing.


    Does it work on this website, for example, https://www.nordea.no ? I mean Banking Protection flyer (activated) there? Or not?

    If not visible too - you did not disable the Banking Protection option under F-Secure SAFE settings as a check?


    Can also be some limitations of flyer - delay between tries, delay at system start up. But it should not be more than two minutes (with meanings - after two minutes from last try or after system boot up).

    There is Knowledgebase article with more good explanation:


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