Re: Cancel my F-Secure SAFE Subscriptions

@Jaims wrote:Hi @JFlynnxyz
For deleting of account, we will need you to verify some details with you, therefore we will email you and await your response. Also, there are some information related to your account that we will like to share with you before deleting your account. Once we receive your reply, we will proceed to delete the F-Secure SAFE account.
I want to cancel my account
I am also only an F-Secure user (their home solutions).
So, what is your main concern? You would like to "delete" your account? Or to cancel subscription (pinned to your account)? Or just both things?
I feel that for deleting your account (and, maybe, for canceling subscription before real expiration date) - you need to contact their official Support channel (chat, for example):
In addition, you could try to login into your "My F-Secure" account ( and check whether it is possible to do something with your account / subscription.
At least, it was possible to cancel "autorenewal":
Furthermore, if your concern is also about Community account - then there are some steps to do so:
@none3 wrote:I had one year trial security, i dont need to be protected with them anymore, thanks
Sorry for my reply. I am only an F-Secure user (their home solutions).
So, I am not sure that "one year trial" is a typical trial, but if it was a trial - then what is your certain concern? Since, perhaps, it should not be with something like auto-switch to paid solution (after) trial. And it should be possible to uninstall security solution by common way (possible to find "how to" for certain F-Secure solution there - Then if it is possible - to close / delete F-Secure account.
Otherwise, if it was a normal subscription and you do not want to "renew it" - then there are some articles about:
- (how to prevent autorenewal)
- (how to close only Community account)
Anyway, I think that it is good to contact their direct Support channel (chat, for example):
Knowledgebase article about such a direction: