Upgrade of ULAV

Does that mean that there have not been any updates until now?
I think it depends on what is changed. At least, some updates are not about any requirements for restart / reboot. But large / major upgrade with such requirement maybe.
In addition, maybe it was "set" of updates. As a result, state where something goes wrong and need to restart ULAV services multiple times (or to do so with certain order).
When I tried to use F-Secure ULAV - there were some restart prompts (since of beta "ultralight" design and, as a result, not so complex design as with stable solutions). I do not use F-Secure ULAV already long time, so, it is unclear for me (but possible to suspect that "large" updates / upgrades are not so frequent how it was before). Thus, maybe, on current day it is rather rare situation; also, maybe if critical update is pushed - then a restart can be forced specially(?!).
What was the latest module on update lists (at the time of restart prompt?).
@martink wrote:Thank you for your reply Ukko.
What was the latest module on update lists (at the time of restart prompt?)
I do not recall having seen any. Where would I see that afterwards?
If date / timestamp is known - maybe it is possible to open F-Secure ULAV UI - choose "Updates" tab and check whether some of modules are about this timeframe.
If there was further updates then (for module with requirement for restart) - perhaps - it can be still visible under logs (ProgramData folder F-Secure folder). But I am not sure if there is specific log with useful information. I will try to check it with my systems and back if do find something.
Thanks Ukko
install-ulcore log says
2019-06-03 16:26:22.006 [0794.09f4] I: fs::ul::UpdatedService::update: F-Secure UL HIPS service is updated
2019-06-03 16:26:22.006 [0794.09f4] I: fs::ul::UpdatedService::stop: Service fsulprothoster has been already stopped
2019-06-03 16:26:22.006 [0794.09f4] I: fs::ul::UpdatedService::stop: fsulprothoster service stopped
2019-06-03 16:26:22.099 [0794.09f4] I: fs::ul::UpdatedService::stop: fsulhoster service is stopping
2019-06-03 16:28:53.110 [0794.09f4] I: fs::ul::UpdatedService::stop: fsulhoster service stopped
2019-06-03 16:28:53.141 [0794.09f4] I: fs::ul::UpdatedService::stop: fsulnethoster service is stopping
2019-06-03 16:28:53.250 [0794.09f4] I: fs::ul::UpdatedService::stop: fsulnethoster service stopped
2019-06-03 16:28:53.250 [0794.09f4] I: fs::ul::UpdatedService::stop: fsulorsp service is stopping
2019-06-03 16:33:53.334 [0794.09f4] .W: fs::ul::UpdatedService::stop: Service fsulorsp stopping timeout
2019-06-03 16:33:53.334 [0794.09f4] .W: fs::ul::UpdatedService::stop: Reboot will be requested
2019-06-03 16:33:53.458 [0794.09f4] I: fs::ul::UpdatedService::stop: F-Secure Gatekeeper service is stopping
2019-06-03 16:33:53.552 [0794.09f4] I: fs::ul::UpdatedService::stop: F-Secure UL HIPS service is stopping
2019-06-03 16:33:53.552 [0794.09f4] I: fs::ul::UpdatedService::stop: F-Secure Gatekeeper service is stopping
2019-06-03 16:38:53.568 [0794.09f4] .W: fs::ul::UpdatedService::stop: Service F-Secure Gatekeeper stopping timeout
2019-06-03 16:38:53.568 [0794.09f4] .W: fs::ul::UpdatedService::stop: Reboot will be requested
2019-06-03 16:38:53.568 [0794.09f4] I: fs::ul::UpdatedService::stop: F-Secure UL HIPS service is stopping
2019-06-03 16:43:53.638 [0794.09f4] .W: fs::ul::UpdatedService::stop: Service F-Secure UL HIPS stopping timeout
2019-06-03 16:43:53.638 [0794.09f4] .W: fs::ul::UpdatedService::stop: Reboot will be requestedThe log goes back to 2016 and that is the first Reboot requested.
The log records a number of updates though. So that was not the first update
However, I do not see any tabs in my UI of the ULAV.
However, I do not see any tabs in my UI of the ULAV.
Yes, sorry, it was "not good" wording. If UI is not changed - by "tabs" I meant right-top(?) corner with "button" menu (bordered item). When choose it - there should be ability to sort list by some filters like "Blocked events" / "All" / "Updates" / .. / . With "Updates" filter - only updates (installed ones) should be visible.
But, perhaps your quoted log with more visible information about.
Thanks Ukko that was totally awesome. You are the man
Currentely it looks like this:
Under the search bar you have three quick filters on the left
The big square button opens the filter dropdown and the last one is Updates
WHen filterd for updates it clearly shows there have been updates.