F-Secure Safe and F-Secure Anti-Virus

Marki Posts: 12 Explorer

Can someone tell me what's the deffent between F-Secure Safe and F-Secure Anti-Virus?


  • Marki
    Marki Posts: 12 Explorer

    Thanks for the Reply Ukko


    Your reply is very clear and good for me.


    The reason for ask was. Then I was trying the trail version (safe) it's only install the anti-virus part. So I did not see the deffient between the two


    Thanks for the help and the links  








  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Thanks for your feedback!

    The reason for ask was. Then I was trying the trail version (safe) it's only install the anti-virus part. So I did not see the deffient between the two

    Strange a bit. Did you manage to install SAFE with both modules then?

    Basically, on current day - SAFE with smooth integration for AV / BP parts. So, it is only visible as "settings". Browsing protection is also for "Browser addon". So, if there is an extension (Browsing protection) - then such a module is installed.



  • Marki
    Marki Posts: 12 Explorer

    I was trying anti-virus at 1 computer and Safe on anothter to see if there was any defference.


    But I have now learn that F-secure uses there names for there produkt in a strange way. 


    Then they have a produkt call Safe and one Total. And then I buy the Total produkt the name in my tray icons is called F-Secure-Safe. 


    it's a lillte strage for me to understand.


    Thanks for all the help

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    There are different solutions / packages (subscriptions).


    For example,

    This solution is for "Windows"-platform only. And it is about only AV functionality.

    This solution is for "Windows"-platform only. AV and Browsing Protection modules.

    This solution is multi-platform. Although, "installation" for Windows platform is something like set of features for F-Secure IS (where is Browing Protection module with ability to manage it via My F-Secure Portal).

    This solution is multi-platform. In addition, it is package of next solutions: F-Secure SAFE - F-Secure Freedome VPN - F-Secure KEY and an option to purchase F-Secure SENSE. Package is covered by "one" subscription (not need to purchase F-Secure SAFE and to purchase F-Secure FREEDOME as different subscriptions, for example).

    Comparison between solutions (subscriptions / packages): https://www.f-secure.com/en/web/home_global/compare-products


    Then they have a produkt call Safe and one Total. And then I buy the Total produkt the name in my tray icons is called F-Secure-Safe. 

    Thus, when you purchased F-Secure TOTAL - it is package of (subscription for) solutions: F-Secure SAFE + F-Secure Freedome VPN + F-Secure KEY.


    When security solution is installed on Windows device (as example) - then it is practically "F-Secure SAFE". But subscription is for F-Secure TOTAL.

    Although, I think that F-Secure TOTAL solution should be with such wording under user interface. Branded by "TOTAL" word rather than by "SAFE" word. However, tray picture menu, maybe, with F-Secure SAFE item as for "F-Secure website" AND some other places.



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