f-secure mobile password

rashid Posts: 1 Observer

Dear Sir,


              I have forget my password of F_ secure in my mobile N-8 nokia.please tell me how i can change it or resest it.plz i m so much worried about this if i will change sim it will be locked.so i am very thank ful to you for this great kindness.i hope you cal help me.



  • Hi Rashid,


    Welcome to F-Secure Community. 


    I have moved this post to Mobile board. If the steps above does not helps, please contact our support to reset your Anti-Theft security code.


    NOTE: This cannot be done in Community.



    Best Regards,

  • amk
    amk Posts: 16 Observer

    Thanks firionicable that was helpful.


      “Drive your business. Let not your business drive you.”

  • Piick
    Piick Posts: 1

    Dear sir,


    I had forgotten my f secure mobile security code and had replaced the sim in my phone and now its locked. My phone is nokia 5530.


    my phone number : +66XXXXXXXXX

    my SR ID(case reference number) : 1-528708041


    Help me please T^T

    Piick Thailand


    Edited: Personal informations removed due to privacy protection.

  • Hi bsnu,

    Welcome to F-Secure Community.

    Kindly refer the steps provided above.


    Best Regards,

  • Hi nemooo,

    Yes, indeed modifying Trusted number would require your Secuirty code. Kindly contact our support to reset your Security code.


    Best Regards,

  • moon
    moon Posts: 1

    my trusted number is the number of the device which i need to get the security code of i 

  • Hi Moon,

    Regarding your information, do you refer to the trusted number is the same number as your mobile phone number?


    Using the SMS alert
    You can set Anti-Theft to alert you with an SMS message when somebody changes the SIM card in your
    To use the SMS alert:
    1. In the main view, open Anti-theft.
    2. In the Anti-theft menu, select Settings.
    3. Select Trusted number.
    The Trusted number dialog opens.
    4. Specify the phone number where the SMS text message should be sent when the SIM card in the device
    is changed.


    When the SMS alert is turned on, you receive an SMS text message when the SIM card in your device is



  • sir,

    what do you mean about the trusted number? Is it the number Of sim I used on that device? thanks

  • Hi venjie,

    No. The Trusted number is the trusted phone number you have entered during the activation of Anti-Theft feature.

    See here for how to reset your Security Code with Trusted Number.


    Best Regards,

  • After ı send to sms my number #RESET# after my phone is unlocked after my phone is lock ????? :///

  • Hi mrsamet94,

    I'm unclear on your issue, kindly explain further. However, the #RESET# command is not valid.


    Best Regards,

  • SPand
    SPand Posts: 1

    i have not added trusted no. in f secure anti theft..kindly inform me how to reset security code as my phn(nokia e5) is unlocked and i cannot operate it...

    rply as soon as possible...plz

  • Hi SPand,

    Please contact our support. The Security code can be reset after verification but this cannot be done in Community.


    Best Regards,

  • I have this phone Nokia E7 which I have forgotten the unlock code and I have set a trusted number which number can the trusted number going to send the #UNLOCK# to  is the mobile phone number (SIM) that was inside or the new inserted (SIM number) that is  where I got confused.

    Note it works fine with the SIM that is inside now but i want to make use of another SIM when i put that i requires the security code of F-Secure version 6.60(16462)

  • Hi difonet,

    I'm not sure I understand your question correctly. Normally we would recommend to setup the Trusted Number to your second mobile number or mobile number of your family member. When the SIM is changed it will receive a SMS telling the new phone number.

    Watch this video here for more details.


    Best Regards,

  • c3
    c3 Posts: 1
  • Hi c3,


    Please contact our support by clicking here in order to reset your Anti-Theft security code. This cannot be done in the Community.

    Thank you.

    Best Regards,

  • ankit
    ankit Posts: 1
  • Hi ankit,

    May I know what is the issue with #UNLOCK# command?


    Best Regards,

  • hero
    hero Posts: 1


  • Hi hero,

    May I know what is the issue with #UNLOCK# command?


    Best Regards,


  • SBK
    SBK Posts: 1

    how to send?? i already sent the text but its not wrking

    plz help

  • Hello,

    Please refer this post for how to use the #UNLOCK# command.


    Best Regards,

  • Hi, I bought my mobile about a year ago, and I installed the product. Since I have never had to use it (luckily) I have forgotten my password. I followed all the steps, but my mobile wouldn't reply the #UNLOCK# message, and it IS the trusted number, because when I enter the application in my mobile I can see it is the same one I have in my configuration. I tried to communicate with a technician but they wouldn't reply me. I am from Argentina and I really do not have anyone that can help me. Thank you!

  • bonnie
    bonnie Posts: 3
    Dear Jayson please can you advise me if you in uk? If so please give me contact number where i cam call you. similar problems on my nokia c7 00 amd none of the solutions suggested on forum are working for me to uninstall, remove f secure. thanks martin
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