Entering new subscriptions code.

Sorry for my reply! I'm only an F-Secure user (their home solutions).
Maybe good to know what is your F-Secure solution (subscription for) and what is your platform (Windows, Mac, iOS, Android).
Does it F-Secure KEY (password manager)? Or F-Secure Freedome?
// common advice is to contact their official Support Channel (chat as example):
https://www.f-secure.com/en/web/home_global/contact-supportbecause it is only certified place to sort out 'subscription'(renewal)-based situations.
Sorry for my further suggestions.
What is your expiration date? How long your current subscription is still valid? Maybe there is some limitation with abilitity to 'renew' before certain remained days count; just as explained with next topic:
Also, it can be useful to know about:
-> does your subscription is "AppStore"-based or did you purchase multi-platform subscription?
There are two different types of Freedome subscription and some differences with activation (and maybe with things like 'grace periods' after switch from one type to another):
- https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure/FREEDOME-VPN-subscription/ta-p/91879
- https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure/Grace-periods-with-FREEDOME/ta-p/107120
- https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure/What-is-the-Log-in-button-used/ta-p/83084
- https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure/How-can-I-activate-my-multi/ta-p/75821
In addition, there was such discussion:
-> And what is your iOS version? Does it supported one (iOS 10 and later)?
there is knowledgebase article about iOS 7:
But, anyway, before any further steps (if something is unclear) - good to ask official F-Secure Support Channel (chat as example) for proper advice:
Or possible to receive official response under community (but later).
There is next Online Documentation article:
if your experience is not about "Auto-renewing subscriptions" - there are next words about:
At the end of the subscription period, you will be notified when you need to subscribe again to continue using the service. You will be charged only once.
Did your receive such notification already (I'm not sure what is form of notification there)?
I was having the same question and I wasted lots of (sleeping) timefor searching "how-to" articles and forums...
I found old locked "inactive" chain with the following answer: "You can enter new codes within Freedome only within a few days of the expiry. The option won't appear before you get closer to the expiry date of your current license"
I don't think it is too much to ask that to add one sentence in the how-to AND in the marketing email which is urging to renew!