F-Secure Safe can be uninstalled by child?

etag99 Posts: 6 Observer

I've setup Family rules for my 11 year old kid but he has learner how to unactivate Safe. For few times now I have noticed Safe is set off during day. He has Huawei Honor 8 Lite. This problem was with Android 8 and now with 9 also.


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Sorry for my reply. I'm only an F-Secure user (their home solutions).


    I think that F-Secure SAFE can not be uninstalled by using it as kids profile (such ability is restricted by settings and uninstallation is allowed only for main profile; also, common design to uninstall application is hooked for F-Secure SAFE).

    Maybe there is some tricks to workaround it... but if so - good to speak with kids about reasons for 'family rules' and unreasoned point of tries to bypass it.


    Most likely is that your experience is about known 'limitation/trouble' (and potential 'workaround'-fix for this kind of trouble):

    And some community discussions about:


  • Nia
    Nia Posts: 1 New Member

    My 12 year old managed to uninstall it from the iMac , a day after it was installed as a family rule.  I’m not impressed if kids can uninstall it so easily then you wonder how f secure can be so secure?

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    @Nia wrote:

    My 12 year old managed to uninstall it from the iMac , a day after it was installed as a family rule.  I’m not impressed if kids can uninstall it so easily then you wonder how f secure can be so secure?



    Sorry for my reply. I am only an F-Secure user (their home solutions).


    Based on next Online Documenation / Help for F-Secure SAFE (Mac platform):

    You need rights to administer the computer to uninstall the product.

    Thus, does your experience is about complete trick to uninstall F-Secure SAFE even if used account (profile) is not administrator of system?

    Or was it uninstalled using an account with administrator rights? Or was the password for admin rights known for user?


    If so, I think that common recommendation is to use a "restricted" account for safely functioning of the Family Rules (account with limited rights; not as fully administrator of device / system). Or use a "strong" password for administrator rights (unknown to anyone except those  who must administer the system).

    Otherwise, if the user has the ability to use administration rights -- user can do almost anything with the system (it does not matter what the security software there).



  • joanne3422
    joanne3422 Posts: 13 Explorer

    yes f-secure may be uninstalled by a child it's no wonder that kid's are getting much informed by technology day by day .

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    @joanne3422 wrote:

    yes f-secure may be uninstalled by a child it's no wonder that kid's are getting much informed by technology day by day .



    I am only an F-Secure user (their home solutions).


    I think that it should only be possible if kid's user account with Administrative rights. Or if "Admin password" (access to) is known for them; with further ability to use it.

    But if so - it is expected situation that administrator of device with such ability (to uninstall software).


    Although, indeed (as with Android platform) there can be a lot of tricks that are possible to use as "bypassing" restriction. But, basically, it is not really a "strict restrictions" - but something as Family Rules (indeed) - where limitations should be understandable for each one. So, not need to try bypass it. It is only reminder / notification and kind of control (since it is, anyway, tricky to bypass fully or design can be fixed / improved).

    Maybe, with platforms like Windows or Mac -> possible to use something as physical access (or Live CDs) against limitations with administrator rights. But against such hacks - need to use own system's layers.


    Otherwise, if it is possible to uninstall F-Secure SAFE by restricted user account (not an Administrator); then I think there is a "trouble". Good to report it:

    Good if there will be attention from official F-Secure Teams.



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