Manuell skanning, tillatte sider og reinstallasjon

AO2 Posts: 2 New Member

Jeg vil legge fram for dere tre spørsmål etter at jeg 3. juli utvidet mitt abonnement til F-secure Total (3 enheter).
1. Av forskjellige grunner valgte jeg 14. august å kjøre manuell skanning med F-secure.
Første skannerapport sa at 4192 elementer var skannet. Jeg syntes dette var overraskende få elementer siden jeg dagen før hadde lastet ned og kjørt Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool, og denne hadde etter 13 timer skannet 2.437.148 elementer og var ennå ikke ferdig.
Jeg tenkte derfor innstillingene på f-secure-skanningen måtte ha vært feil. Men jeg fant bare et annet alternativ, og det var å hake av for "Skann i komprimerte filer" i tillegg. Da ble 4230 elementer skannet på fem minutter.
Har dere noen kommentar på dette? Hva er vitsen med å skanne så få elementer?
2. 14. august endte jeg med å se over andre innstillinger. All beskyttelse jeg trengte var aktiv. MEN UNDER "Tillatte og forbudte nettsteder" STO DET PÅ LISTEN OVER TILLATTE NETTSTEDER 8 NETTSTEDER SOM JEG SELV OVER HODET IKKE HADDE TILLATT. Blant dem var tre kredittopplysningsbyråer jeg hadde vært i kontakt med tidligere for å SPERRE for at kredittopplysninger ble gitt ut grunnet ID-tyveri, og som derfor hadde kopi av passet mitt.
SVAR MEG PÅ HVORFOR DISSE SKULLE TILLATES AV F-SECURE. De burde jo nettopp ikke tillates når de kan sammenstille opplysninger på en skadelig måte.
3. Etter å ha opplevd dette og noen andre alarmerende hendelser på nettet, valgte jeg å gjenopprette min PC til opprinnelig tilstand.
Når jeg så logger inn på My F-Secure, finner jeg ut at jeg ikke har flere enheter tilgjengelig. Det står 2 iPad (reinstallerte F-secure her for en tid siden) og 1 PC. Kan jeg frigi 1 PC (og gjerne 1iPad) slik at jeg kan fortsette å bruke F-secure uten å betale ekstra? Jeg ser at dere 28.01.2015 svarer en bruker under "Device reinstalls & management" at "Currently one installasjon always takes one subscription, and the subscription cannot be reused. We are considering the reinstallation scenarios and there might be a better solution to that at some point in the future."
Kan dere komme opp med en løsning på dette? Jeg er ikke svært fornøyd med det som har skjedd, men har jo betalt ut året.
Venter svar på alle tre spørsmålene.
Mitt referansenummer fra 3. juli når jeg kjøpte Total var xxxxxx


EDIT: Removed Reference number (PII)


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Sorry for my reply. I'm also only an F-Secure user (their home solutions).

    Just as side-note: there is ability to receive official F-Secure support on norsk:


    But Community is localized for English (and Suomi) discussions, in general.

    I will try to answer about some of your points (as my own unofficial feelings and suggestions):


    -> sounds that your experience maybe was about "Brief scan" (Virus scan).

    It is scan against 'active' malicious items and harmful files under most critical (popular) system places.

    With my current system number of scanned items are ~8500 files (but likely that it is can be ~4200 files too). Also, for except "scan compressed files" - there can be option as "scan only known file types" (possible to uncheck it for scanning more items).

    In addition, possible to doublecheck that "List of exclusions" is not about any unexpected directories/folders (possible to locate it under "App and File Control" from Main UI -- Tools-tab; and then 'excluded' items-tab).


    Possible to run "Full Scan" by steps like Main UI -- Tools-tab -- Scan options-button -- Full Scan under menu. Or to check next documents:


    Online Help/Documentation:

    And some Knowledgebase articles:

    -> I am not sure that any website can be 'autoadded' to list of allowed websites.

    Likely explanation (or how website can be under allowed websites):

    for example, you do visit 'website_one' - it is blocked by F-Secure as suspicious-rated or harmful-rated website.

    OR if you do use Content Blocker (as part of Parental Control functionality) for some categories and page is blocked as website with restricted content. For example, if 'social media'-category is chosen -> any website with 'social-media' reputation/rating will be blocked by F-Secure as restricted page.

    So, "website_one" is blocked by F-Secure during try to open page. There is button "Allow website" as ability to overwrite decision and get access immediately (for administrators of system).

    After such action -> page is not only allowed (as one-time action) for visit - but page is added to allow-list.


    Does it possible that all of allowed list were visited by you and ?! maybe allowed by such flow?

    If not -> sounds indeed strange. Maybe good to contact their F-Secure Support Channels (chat as example) and to transfer fsdiag for proper investigation.


    -> your quote is about "F-Secure Freedome" (it is part of your F-Secure TOTAL subscription-package). But previous two points were about F-Secure SAFE (another part of F-Secure TOTAL subscription-package) and it was possible to 'reuse' SAFE licence from unused device from first.


    Currently both parts of F-Secure TOTAL with abilities to 're-use' unused device-licences.


    It should work for F-Secure SAFE as ability to remove 'device' from portal and install it under your fresh device (reinstalled system).

    But even if all 'licences' are marked as 'in use' -- during installation there should be ask for 're-use' licence from unused device. And such flow is valid for F-Secure Freedome (part of TOTAL) too.

    // I'm not sure but maybe 'first' flow is valid for Freedome already too.


    Some knowledgebase articles about:

    If some points are not clear or possible to discuss them - good if you back with reply!

    Sorry for my worst English.



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