Banking Protection doesn't activate for my Bank any more

I'm not sure why but when I sign into my bank the Banking Protection doesn't activate any more.  It used to activate but it doesn't any more.  My banking site is ....

The Banking Protection doesn't activate any more for my credit card site either.  Site link ....

It used to activate for it but doesn't any more.  When I go into the site to pay my bill from my bank, I get worried & I like the protection of the Banking Protection.  But for some reason it doesn't activate any more when I sign in to pay my bill there.


  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    As you've posted in the Beta forum, I'll assume you're using the Beta version of FS Protection. 


    Have you tried reinstalling the Browser Extensions?  You can do that in the Settings page from the main UI.


    Otherwise, you may need to file a Bug report, and they will check out your particular bank(s).


    For what it's worth, it still works fine for me with my bank.

  • mp07
    mp07 Posts: 50 Explorer

    Yes, I  do have the beta version.  Oh, ok, I'll try reinstalling the browser extension & see if it works again.  If not I'll send in a bug report.  Thank you very much!!!

  • Cale
    Cale Posts: 294 F-Secure Product Manager

    We are investigating an issue with our backend which affects browsing and banking protection.

  • mp07
    mp07 Posts: 50 Explorer

    Oh, ok.  Thank you!

  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    Is that related to FS-IS Tp or is it related to ULAV?

    My recollection is that say 2- 4 weeks ago on a PC where I have ULAV banking protection was activated when I went to a banking site. This week I tried that with another PC with ULAV installed and no banking protection. Just tried that on the first PC again and no banking protection.

    Secondly when I did not get banking protection on IS or Safe I was instructed to verify that Safe Browsing was installed and the browser add on is active and enabled.


    If that is not server side problem with ULAV then how do I install Safe Browsing to the get add on in Firefox portable?

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    @martink wrote:

    Is that related to FS-IS Tp or is it related to ULAV?

    My recollection is that say 2- 4 weeks ago on a PC where I have ULAV banking protection was activated when I went to a banking site. This week I tried that with another PC with ULAV installed and no banking protection. Just tried that on the first PC again and no banking protection.

    Secondly when I did not get banking protection on IS or Safe I was instructed to verify that Safe Browsing was installed and the browser add on is active and enabled.


    If that is not server side problem with ULAV then how do I install Safe Browsing to the get add on in Firefox portable?



    With F-Secure ULAV there is such situation: (a reply and discussion before this reply)



  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    Thanks Ukko. You certainly keep on top of things and taps on everything.


    One option for me could be to switch the TP's from mobile decives to PC's and put ULAV's on mobile as I do not want do banking with mobile.

    On the other hand I also have Safe, IS and TP already on an number of PC's and can do banking on those.

    Some are laptops so I can banking at the cottage as well.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser
    One option for me could be to switch the TP's from mobile decives to PC's and put ULAV's on mobile as I do not want do banking with mobile.

    Probably F-Secure ULAV is only for Windows platform. So, if I understand normally -> it is not possible to put ULAV on mobile device (if it is not about 'laptop', as example).



    By the way, F-Secure Mobile Security (SAFE) solution for Android platform with "Banking Protection feature" too -> but I do not know "how it works" on Android platform and I am not sure about its design. In general, I also think that banking things more good to do with 'PCs/laptops'.



  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    OK thanks again Ukko for setting me right.

    So the option remains to use those PC's were bankin protection is activated.

  • Cale
    Cale Posts: 294 F-Secure Product Manager

    The backend issue has been now resolvel and banking protection is working again. The problem affected some users on beta and production versions of our products. Please try again and let us know if you still have issues with it. Thanks for your patience!

  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    FS Tp Banking proctection is launched (no problem before)

    ULAV Banking proctection is not launched (as expected)

    Safe Banking proctection is launched (not tested before in the past two weeks)

  • mp07
    mp07 Posts: 50 Explorer

    Banking Protection seems to be working again for me, Windows 10 & Windows 7 desktop computers with Firefox browsers.  Thank you!  I am starting to use other browsers now too like Edge & Chrome, at times.  There are some sites(bill pay sites) that it doesn't activate for.  I will write in about it.  Thank you!

  • vadim170552
    vadim170552 Posts: 35 Explorer
    Please specify, this applies to ULAF?
  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    ULAV does not have Banking protection. See Ukko's post on the first page.

This discussion has been closed.