Crash during scan

GloriousPcRace Posts: 3 New Member

Well Hello UKKO, i have had your product since January and i've been busy with work etc. I already once tried your support and they only tried to delete and reinstall the F-Secure software. Well the problem is that my computer crashes every time, i mean crash crash, computer shutdown, no bluescreen. i use your scan, no matter it's a scan from online page or the installed one on my computer, well i had image about it with me but... Last time scan got to 18% nvsphelper64.exe [pid: 3868] it has something to do with Nvidia i think, but this information could be worthless also. Please help me UKKO, i haven't used your program a day in six months because of this bug, i had Avast before F-Secure and deleted it normally i suppose.




  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    Firstly, I must just let you know that Ukko is an F-Secure user, the same as yourself and myself.  He is incredibly helpful here on the forum, and always gives good advice, but he is not a member of F-Secure staff, and has no "ownership" of the product, other than being a user.


    Now, you mentioned that you had Avast previously, and uninstalled it "normally".  By that, I assume you mean via the Windows uninstaller utility (Add / Remove programs, as it used to be called)?  If so, then I would recommend that you run the Avast Uninstaller (, to remove all possible traces of Avast which may have been left behind, and see if that helps.  You may need to also reinstall F-Secure once more, if the problem is not immediately rectified.


    Come back to us if you need any further help.  :)

  • GloriousPcRace
    GloriousPcRace Posts: 3 New Member

    First of all if Ukko doen't work with F-Secure, he should. Second, if F-Secure doesn't pay him, it should. I did everyhing you told me and this time i got to 14% i'm pretty sure the problem isn't Avast. Computer didn't shut down but it goes blank and i have to force restart it (from the case). I think the same was earlier (haven't done this in a while) Thanks for the fast response!

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    The only other thing I can suggest to try is to use the F-Secure Uninstallation Tool to completely remove F-Secure, reboot, then reinstall it again.  I realise you may have already done that and this may seem like going round in circles, but it's probably what the F-Secure support guys would recommend before going any further.


    The other thing you could try is to exclude the Nvidia folder from the scan, and see if it then completes.


    Failing all of that, although you may have already been down this road, I would suggest that you go back to Support and send them an FSDIAG from the Support Tool, so that they can have a better look at what might be going on.


    Or, you could wait for Ukko. Smiley Wink   By the way, I agree with your first two comments!  Smiley Very Happy



  • GloriousPcRace
    GloriousPcRace Posts: 3 New Member

    Thanks dude! Your awesome. I've been due this road once before and sent my FSDIAG to F-Secure, i really love this company and i will try to find the solution somehow to this problem.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Yes, I'm indeed only an F-Secure user. :)

    Just as addition to already good suggestions -> I do able to add URLs about related troubles (discussed under community with not visible 'cooked' solution):

    All of them are about 'potential' freeze or crash during first phase of scanning.


    In general, it is about 'random' process (maybe is not pinned to NVIDIA process - but if it is always nvidia process with your experience -> maybe possible to check situation and upgrade Nvidia drivers?! or doublecheck that drivers were installed from their official website; if Nvidia drivers were upgraded just recently -> maybe it is a reason?! too) and only one-time is about specific background (where 'system resources' reached its limits maybe).


    This topic was with solution that 'something was broken' (unclear does it system file/item or F-Secure own) and Support sent a 'Registry fix'.



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