F-secure SAFE - Manual Scan - Freezes Computer.

patcg Posts: 1 New Member

The Computer freezes when performing a manual scan.  It gets to 10% or 20% and then freezes. It is not responsive at all. I can do nothing so have to perform a hard reset using the power button.


It fails whilst trying to scan memory.  Usually this is svchost.exe on various PID numbers.  I captured the PID numbers prior to the software failing using tasklist and identified that it was failing on wpnservice.exe.  I turned that off and re-run it. Now it freezes on dashost.exe. Unfortunately I cant turn this off as it is a core microsoft file.


Been running the F-secure-SAFE since 1st July. It is just the manual memory scan which freezes; every time. It has never worked.  I can manually scan a files on the file system (hard disk) ok.


Like the software. Hate this bug!  Look forward to a solution .


Here is the system details.


Windows 10 Pro.

F-secure-SAFE- ISP Vodafone version.

Antivirus 17.215.129

Family Rules 2.215.7452.4118

Common Component Framework 3.15.285

Uninstalled F-secure-SAFE and re-installed it.

Windows updated today with the latest updates: Feature update, version 1803.




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