Switched from Total to Sense... cannot active my new Freedome license

As topic says I switched Total to Sense and bought new Freedome license as I do not have it anymore via Total.
(what is btw big bummer that it is not included on Sense)
Issue is that I cannot anyway active my new Freedome license in Freedome. It just keeps saying that “expired” and login to your account or follow institutions in email.
Email tells me to open Freedome and press “active license”, but I do not have that option.
If I login to my.faecure it allows me to only buy Total license and I cannot add Freedome there.
So I have valid license, but no way to active it.
Hi Tela,
Please refer to our KB article here regarding the grace periods available with Freedome subscriptions. Your scenario should be the one switching from F-Secure TOTAL subscription to F-Secure Freedome subscription.
There is a 9 day grace period and you are able to switch to and activate your F-Secure Freedome multi-platform subscription after the grace period is over.