F secure Internet Security Installation Failed

Try running the Uninstallation Tool, reboot your computer, then reinstall. The problem is probably because the installation failed the first time, and it has left some remnants behind.
Installations can also fail due to debris from other previously removed security software being left on the machine. If you have recently uninstalled any other security products, I suggest you also use their Uninstallation tool to clean up before reinstalling F-Secure.
F-Secure may not install or run correctly if any other security software is present on the machine.
Other Uninstallation Tools
Sorry for my reply. I'm also only F-Secure user (their home solutions).
With my own feelings: such output is something unexpected. For example, to write/access to certain folder is permitted. Or even 'network connection' is dropped. Or own F-Secure integrity checks about downloaded/unpacked files.
Just because your experience is 'fresh OS installation' - maybe not a pending Updates - but not all of them under system can be a reason for stuck.
For example, such knowledge base article:
with advice (before installing F-Secure solution) like to be sure that "Windows is up to date" and some further generic things.