fsecure blocks freemake video converter

astro Posts: 2 New Member


each time I try and download freemake video converter f serure states it is a harmful web site

is this true as there seem to be millions of people who run freemake


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Sorry for my reply. I'm also only F-Secure user (their home solutions).


    Harmful-rating for website may be with different view. It may be false positive or reasoned rating (based on certain triggers and even with different meanings of 'harmful'-state).


    If I managed to locate their website - direct downloading-URL is indeed blocked as harmful website.

    But, in addition, my F-Secure installation will detect FreemakeVideoConerter setup file as PUA .


    If you are suspect that such situation is false positive and wrong detection -> possible to use F-Secure SAS and transfer file/URL to F-Secure Labs for re-rate it:



    My own feelings -> that noted software or domain was blacklisted with some of well-known or common databases which F-Secure do able to use for their reputation/rating Security Cloud knowledge.

    In addition, there is always own workaround like "allow" blocked page or allow PUA-detected file. F-Secure will allow and respect user's decision about such things (if user is administrator of system). But with certain situation - it is dangerous (since website or software maybe hacked or compromised, for example).



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