2 issues - Whatsapp timeouts and affiliate links

New to Freedome and I am using it on my iPad, iPhone and Macbook.
Everything seems fine apart from a few issues.
Firstly when clicking Google Ads (from search results) or affilaite links from a discount site, they don't always show, it ususally stops at the redirect.
The other problem I am having is my phone doesn't always receive WhatsApp messages straight away, I presume something is going to sleep and hence no internet connection. Then suddenly will get a load of messages at once.
Any ideas?
Hi Dave,
May I know what is the version of Freedome installed?
Does the redirect happens successfully if you turn off Tracking Protection in Freedome? Does it happens on all your devices?
Regarding Whatsapp messages, what is the iOS version of your iPhone?
Have you tried to keep the setting 'Keep VPN on when device is idle' on? Do you still see the same issue? Please have a look at this article for more information.
The "Keep VPN on when device is idle" seems to have sorted the WhatsApp issue, Thank you.
It's mostly on my iPad with the links not working, I have the lasted version installed and yes they work if I switch Freedome off. Am presuming the affiliate links are tracking me (as thats how they work) and your stopping the tracking maybe?
No idea really just guessing.