f-secure freedom VPN Frage

I'm also only F-Secure user (their home solution).
I think that "yes" -> there is transfer-licence functionality. At least, for multi-platform subscription.
Description and design-view (how it works):
Does it fit your concern? I think it should be valid -> because based on this Knowledgebase-article ( https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure/Freedome-VPN-subscription/ta-p/91879 ) -> your experience about multi-platform subscription. If it is direct F-Secure Freedome subscription (not as part of another package) -> most likely that it is need to know your subscription-licence key (while it is not a direct 'transfer' -> but you will activate fresh device and if all licences are used -> Freedome should prompt about re-use/release licences and re-activate it only for active devices).