Can not get any help from support centre no t available why?

sprog Posts: 1 New Member

I have tryed on three ocassions to get intouch with the support center and by phone keeps telling me that its not available Why and can i have my money back please?



  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser



    Sorry for my reply. I'm only F-Secure user (their home solutions).


    But just as my own feelings about your experience:


    ->> Did you try to reach Support from these pages (?): (example of local website; UK) (example og home_global website);

    while both of noted examples with unavailable-status for chat (on current minute).

    Local website for Norge with available-status for chat:

    So, it is good to try your own local-website or home_global (when it is not expected to get available status for chat with your local website).


    And does it was Chat with 'not avaialble' state always? Or phone-number (call support) is also with such state (even your attempt to contact them was during their expected work-hours)?


    I'm not sure about Phone-support quality (I did not try it) -> but with Chat-support there can be such situation:

    With meanings -> it is good to try open/get available-status of chat  further (even with unexpected time under home_global website). Then it will be chat-discussion and result too much depends on your inquiry and Support Agent feelings (can be perfect, good or worst result... and so on);


    So, the answer for "Why" is potential stiuation that it is not supposed to work today (or out of their workhours). Additionally,  potential situation that all available Support Agents are busy on current minute.

    Even I'm able to think that with such situation -> it is good to create ability to fill something like 'backlog' letter to them AND already Support Agents should try to contact you back (and you should not to find 'timeframe' where possible to reach them).


    ->> Does your main concern for contact Support is refund/money-back?

    Or there is needed some help? If it is not a 'subscription or licence based troubles' -> maybe it is possible to discuss under community.

    Otherwise -> like it was with such topic:

    maybe good to try contact their Support Channels (or with workdays/workhours -> Community Managers may help you and escalate situation for you).


    Sorry for my reply.


  • Hi sprog,


    Were you able to get in touch with our support team via chat or phone? I'm sorry to hear about your experience. But if there is any issue which you would like to address, as Ukko mentioned, please let us know.


    If you are still unable to get in touch with support, do reply here.

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