General information/qwestion

Sorry for my reply. I'm only F-Secure user (their home solutions).
So, it is only my own unofficial suggestion and feelings.
Maybe it is good an ability to contact their direct Support Channels (chat/phone) about some of meanings:
Is there any option in the app that I can also block the settings in the phone with a pincode?
Probably not. But what kind of settings should be protected?
Sounds that it should be possible to configure installation as 'kids profile' -> then some of system settings will be 'locked'. Also, maybe good to re-check that 'Settings' is not listed under App Control (what if it is possible to restrict access to 'Settings' with such place).
My own experience about "pincode" to certain application -> I tried to use certain application with such design from well-known companies; Where entire design of application is "protecting" certain applications by pin-code (and so). Maybe it is can be a good addition to F-Secure SAFE.
Is there a possibility to controle the phone from a distance, he's ad a boarding school for kids with a disability during the week.
If it is about 'full remote control' - so - maybe not.
But F-Secure SAFE will provide some features like change Time Limits, Content Blocker and App Control remotely. Also, F-Secure SAFE with "Finder"-module.
Next Knowledgebase articles with description about:
It is possible to login into "My F-Secure Account" portal and choose device-installation. Where should be visible "Parental Control"-button and then related features. But... device should be with active network connection for applying changes.
I also like to know the price for mobile only version, cannot find it in your website.
Maybe "F-Secure Mobile Security" is not directly available anymore (only as 'renew"); Or like Business-solution:
Not sure, but maybe price can be visible with ^ such page (application).
Also.. most likely... "Mobile Security" with less abilities about Parental Control features (but I'm not sure).
And maybe F-Secure SAFE with good enough price (compared to "only" mobile version). Even for 'one device' -> price can be 'too high' (compared to "up to three" devices subscription; where "mobile only version" is not so useful maybe).