F-Secure loaded but no protection

Sorry for my reply. I'm only F-Secure user (their home solutions). And I'm not friendly with Mac-platform.
But just as potential suggestion:
There was some known troubles like these ones:
- https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure-SAFE/macOS-10-13-High-Sierra/ta-p/99352
- https://community.f-secure.com/t5/Business/Issue-with-real-time-scanning/ta-p/100546
But maybe it should be fixed already; And if not -> maybe good to re-check such meanings.
If there is something else -> maybe good to add more information:
- "no F-Secure protection" is system notification? Or own F-Secure prompt? Or how it visible that F-Secure with troubles (!?).
- does it works before your fresh key (?) and potential reinstallation? Or it is clean installation?
Hi thanks for your reply and help. However these solutions did not work☹️ This problem happens every time I renew my license. When the application was loaded it said that I have a license for 3 items. Now it says I have none left now. It still says oops error something has gone wrong and you’re computer is not protected. I have tried the chat room but there is never anyone there to get help.
The last time this happened F-Secure had to take over my computer to fix this problem.
@Snowy18 wrote:Hi,
Thanks for your help again.
My IMac now says I have no licence. I have now given up. 😤
So, maybe it will be useful to contact their direct Support Channels (chat as example):
when chat is available -> most likely that Support Agents with abilities to provide remote help (if needed).
As my own unofficial temporary suggestion:
-> If it is F-Secure SAFE: should be possible to login into your "My F-Secure Account";
And then handle 'unused' licenced (or release them).
-> If it is F-Secure AV for Mac: maybe it should be with 'release'-functionality. Like if it will ask you that "all licences in use -> maybe it is good to re-use some of them?!" or so.
OR did you mean that -> installation does not recognize/allow your activation-key (licence)?
If so -> maybe your experience indeed about "F-Secure AV for Mac" and maybe with certain MacOS.
There was such topic:
Maybe good to re-check "system requirements" for your solution and your system information.
Or maybe your experience about another solution (F-Secure Freedome VPN, for example).
Sorry for my worst help.
It is f-secure safe. Yes I finally managed to chat to someone who was very helpful. However what he had advised me to do what I had already done.
I managed to fix the problem myself. I took the application off of my IMac and put it in the bin. I then retrieve it from the bin. I then downloaded the program back onto my IMac. I now have protection for my IMac, IPad and 1 left which I will use for my iPhone.
I have used f-secure for many years. When I had a laptop and had windows I never had problems renewing f-secure. But since changing to a IMac I always have problems renewing f-secure. Why is this? It would also be helpful if there was an email address to email for support when you can’t get to chat with someone . It took many days to be able to chat with someone.