FS Protection for Android, cannot take App Control in use

Tried to set up App control on my sons phone (Huawei Honor 7 lite) but attempt to log in to My FS Protection fails. Not even login screen is shown, just error string:

invalid_redirect_url: redirect_url not provided






Tried to empty app cache, even uninstalled and reinstalled FS Protection but the problem persists. We have another similar phone with same version of FS Protection installed  and there everything works just fine. 


  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    I don't use the mobile app myself, so this is just a guess, but is the same browser being used on both phones?  If not, maybe try the browser on the phone where it does work, on the one with the problem?

  • Both phones have similar configuration. Also, the login screen is embedded inside FS Protection app so the browser should not affect it in any way. 

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    I maybe received (during some tries to configure Application control) something with such view with FS Protection for Android; But I tried to repeat it with potential steps which I was able to suspect and trouble is not repeated;  I did not try exact try to configure application control - but only to use built-in webview(?!).


    But I able to suspect that possible to create report on beta-portal. Also, if it is indeed possible with one device and not possible  with another device (where steps are 'certain ones').


    For example, I also received such response with F-Secure Freedome for Windows (also as part of built-in app browser):



    It was with tries to handle 'transfer licences' (but do not transfer and back to previous screen). Where, most likely, internal path goes be broken.


    Sorry for my reply.



  • This happens consistently on my sons phone. And since I reinstalled FS Protection, the phone is now without protection (because cannot perform the initial login to My FS Protection in order to set up protection).


    Smiley Sad

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    @kimto wrote:

    This happens consistently on my sons phone. And since I reinstalled FS Protection, the phone is now without protection (because cannot perform the initial login to My FS Protection in order to set up protection).Smiley Sad



    At least, I was able to reproduce (just 'to get'):

    ""invalid_redirect_url: redirect_url not provided""

    with my own tries.


    It was about try to set up (switch profile in fact) 'invited' account (it is not possible to do -> and 'invitied' account ?! only can be as main profile installation).

    With steps like:


    ->> instaled application: switch profile (choose account credentials);

    ->> receive information that not possible to configure Parental Control with this (such) profile. And good to choose another one;

    There is "Enter" button (most likely -> link to My FS Protection portal);


    ->> IF I DID USE this button many 'taps' per small timeframe. Like choose it -> choose it -> choose it ... result will be:

    "invalid_redirect_url: redirect_url not provided"


    If I did choose it only one time and then after seconds (tens or so) -> will be login form.



  • nanonyme
    nanonyme Posts: 145 Path Finder

    Sounds suspicious. Have you reported a bug on beta.f-secure.com already?

  • @nanonyme wrote:

    Sounds suspicious. Have you reported a bug on beta.f-secure.com already?

    Yeah, I have reported this. 

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    kimto wrote:

    So F-Secure found the root cause: if there is a '#' in the device name, loading the login screen will fail. My son's device name was '##lol##' Smiley Very Happy


    Renaming the device in device settings fixed the problem. 

    Cool! even device with name "@$%^*-+()!"':;/?,~|{}\<>_=}™®" will not break anything (even I'm not sure that it is a device name; but, at least, device name from Bluetooth settings).

    As it was stated with one of previous replies - Sounds suspicious.

    Since "#" sounds as potential comments-character (and logical that all other strings ?! commented). Kind of injection. Or not visible any other reasons for such situation (but it should not be injection). :)

  • I don't think there is a possibility for injection even though it looks like the '#' character ends up (non-url encoded?) in the portal URL. On desktop and when accessing My FS Protection later the URL is anyway user modifiable in the browser address bar...
  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    There is funny situation (workaround) with my device:


    ->> Restart device;

    ->> Open FS Protection;

    ->> Try to switch user-profile and it is allowed.


    Meanings: I re-change device name under "Bluetooth"-devicename option (it is only available option; except Wi-Fi direct) to contain "#". And it was possible to repeat noted trouble with "invalid_redirect_url: redirect_url not provided" (during try to switch profile;login to account).


    So, then I perform noted steps and found that it was possible to use Login page (built-in webview/browser) and switch profile/configure things. I thought that maybe trouble is fixed already and check that devicename still with "#".

    I opened System Settings; Turn on "Bluetooth"; Choose option "change device name" -> it was still with "# -> Turn off "Bluetooth"; Back to FS Protection and re-try to login/switch profile; 'invalid_redirect_url: redirect_url not provided' comes back.

    After restart device -> all good; and possible to use such workaround until I re-check that devicename still with "#" under Bluetooth settings. :)


    Not sure -> that it was workaround for your device (also, one-time there was freeze stuck). AND maybe your device with proper options to name device (not as part of Bluetooth; or Wi-Fi direct devicenames). And my experience about potential state when device got the devicename from Bluetooth during activation. Because if I did restart with enabled Bluetooth -> trouble still there. So, with my device -> enabled Bluetooth overwrite (?) devicename to bluetooth-devicename.


    Sorry for not critical feedback (not sure that there is reasons for place it -> since rename device is more common workaround). Smiley Sad



  • nanonyme
    nanonyme Posts: 145 Path Finder

    I would claim the main issue here is complete lack of a useful error message and not guiding the user how to fix things rather than the reason the character is blocked

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    @nanonyme wrote:

    I would claim the main issue here is complete lack of a useful error message and not guiding the user how to fix things rather than the reason the character is blocked

    Probably, yes.

    Even I feel that such words like "url is not provided" was useful (at least, clear that ?! URL is broken). But it is not clear what to do then; and what is it and what was not provided. And maybe it is based on too much internal exception (and not supposed to be visible with common design); also, generic (since possible to get it with different steps).

    But I like how it done with My FS Protection portal -> ?! maybe with all unexpected situations or some broken things (at least, which I got) -> it was always with certain description, view and certain 'hash' for contacting support.


    Also, not clear about 'guide'. For example, "...url is not provided....; try later" is not enough maybe :).

    I today got stuck with such situation: https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure-SENSE/Error-0x000007b-when-installing/td-p/103336

    and still with tries to find?! potential workaround for installing any of home F-Secure solutions (AV/IS/SAFE).  Such system (?!) prompt also not really clear. 


    AND... sorry for my reply. Smiley Sad


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