F Seure update problems

I had to ask first, what is the application with updating problems?
You mentioned: recent update hgas. I did Google search and results:
High Gain Antenna System and online community and company.
You are obviously using some F-Secures product and it is very good!
Thanks for that!
But now you have difficulties with Amazon.
@Rockhopper wrote:Recent update hgas resulted in the loss of my amazon music and loss of proper access to the amazon shopping website.
Sorry for my ask.
Does your experience about Windows platform? And what do you mean about "troubles' with amazon music (and ?! maybe amazon shopping website).
There was such topic (based on recent F-Secure SAFE updates for Windows platform. Where introduced Family Rules/Parental Control and 'remote' Content Blocker - managed by My F-Secure Account portal):
Where possible to find some of unofficial suggestions and OFFICIAL sort-steps.
Also such trouble marked as 'fixed' (so...?! strange if you get this!).
And good to know -> does F-Secure create any blockpages or some other visible 'view' that F-Secure did something wrong?